New kid in town

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It's been a month since the camila thing I keep hearing rumors about it and I miss Zach more and more everyday I started sleeping in his room I missed our sleepovers I wanted him back and I wanted my dad to finally come home from his business trip I was so sad and lonely Tyler was their everyday he Hasent left in over a week he's so worried about me it's crazy I've been falling behind in school and not really going Austins been the cause Damin has come around more and I wish he hadent he has changed for the worse he's into drugs yet again and he's way too protective over me I had to hide Tyler the other day because he insisted on staying if he was gonna be here it's not like me and Tyler were. Doing anything it's I wanted to be left alone with Tyler he cared he would do whatever I told him too i definitely was not prepared for austin to come back

I was setting ready for school with Tyler but he had to go to an appointment so i was going to be left alone in school today when I got their everyone stared as usual and people were whispering about why Tyler wasn't glued to me I guess it kinda looks like we're dating but we're not he's my best friend he's been their I love him

Our first class was history and let me tell you history first period on a Monday was not food because you were really tired and history was boring I looked to my left and didn't see Tyler so I sighed and put my head on the desk

"Ashely what's the answer" my teacher asked

"Uhm B" I said with my hand on my face

"Wrong you may split up into partners" she said ana handed papers out

I had no partner because Tyler wasn't their he was the only one I talked too and I as the only one he talked to so I did my work for me and him so he wouldn't get a bad grade my phone vibrated so I snuck if out

lil Tyler T💜😍😂
"Hey ash im running late from my appointment im leaving soon :/"

"just get here plesse were in partners and I'm alone:("

"Be their soon ;)"

I put my phone back and jotted down some answers because the bell was about to ring I tossed my papers on his desk and ran out but he stopped me

"Ashely" he said standing infront of the door closing it

"Uhm yea" I said feeling uncomfortable

"Do you realize your failing my class" he said

"Uhm I guess so"

"You guess we'll let's look at your frade" he said pulling it up on the computer

"You have a 57 a D your failing" he said

"Great" I said walking out

Lil Tyler T❤️😍😂
"Pulling up know :)"

I ran to the front door and waited for Tyler's figure to appear as soon as he walked in I jumped him with hugs and as I did so people started whispering

"Their whispering" I groaned in his ear

"Who cares" he said handing his arm around my shoulder as we walked to math

I was never good at it I sat in the front trying to understand it as Tyler was like a lighting bolt at it jotting down what was written on the board and filling out the answers he was gonna start tutoring me

"Psst Tyler what did you get for number 2" i whispered

"A2=c2+2-4" he said



"No no I heard you I met what the hell does that mean"

"No tlakinf"

When the bell rang I handed in my test and i guaranteed it was a fail great something else im failing lunch was next and I needed it bad I was starving tyler was no where to be seen I sat down at a table near the corner of the cafeteria and grabbed my food I sat down scrolling through Twitter where was tyler

I'm sitting in the stupid math room I have lunch detention

"Can I just go tell-"

"No be quiet" he said

When the principal dismissed us I threw my trash away and searched for tyler I didn't have much time because we had to get to science me not paying attention bumped right into someone

"Tyler where the hell were you" I said scolding him

"Sorry he gave me lunch detention"

We ran up the stairs to science because my teacher hated when you were late she would lock you out of the classroom if you were a minute late she stood at the door watching the clock and would start to close the door at 10 seconds left we slid through the door and grabbed the lab stuff and sat at our lab table

About 5 minutes later their was a knock on the door the fat ass teacher stood infront of the door so we couldn't see who was outside she said a couple of words to him and pointed to our lab table he was a new student he had longish curly hair white sleeveless tank top on that said "AC-DC" destroyed skinny jeans and some boots he had or tattoo on his arm that said "live by the rock" his name was viper he sat across from me and Tyler and we just looked at him he looked like he just came from a tour bus and has never seen a school before

"Hello" I said

"Hi" Tyler said

"Hey dudes" he said in a deep voice how old was this kid I kind of ignored him an continued my conversation with Tyler

"So we pour this-"

"Am I gonna help" viper questioned

"Yea sure hot shot give it a try" I said pushing the chemicals towards him by my amazement he didn't blow the place up he wasn't spot on but he was pretty close i believed it was a lucky guess

"Tyler ashely viper" my teacher called as we were leaving

"Your gonna be showing viper around since he's in all of your classes he's a good kid be nice" she said great since when did I join the welcoming committee

"Viper lets go" I said grabbing his shirt because he was being an idiot touching everything on the shelves

"So where did you come from" I said

"Boise Idaho"

"Idaho no ones ever came from down their before" Tyler interpreted

"Yea I get that a lot" he said

The end of the day finally came me and Tyler bolted so fast out of the school it was a new record but we totally forgot about viper he can find his way out though it's not too hard me and Tyler started walking down the sidewalk when we saw viper walking alone I felt bad so I called the idiot over to walk with us

"do you live this way viper" Tyler said

"Yea evergreen drive" viper said pointing down the road

"Hey me too" I said

"I live just a couple streets over on briercliff"

"That's cool" he said

Me and Tyler looked at each other we were going to go in my pool and I felt kinda bad to leave viper out he didn't really have any friends and were supposed to be nice to him I guess he isn't that bad

"Viper wanna come over to my pool" I asked him

"Yea that sounds cool"

"Of course it does" I said laughing

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