Colton history

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We were finally getting on a plane back to Miami I wanted to go home so bad I missed all my friends and my room was finally my room again Justin wasn't staying in it no more it was early in LA so it's gonna be late in miami I was really worried about Ashley last night when she was with colt he's a very dangerous person when he wants to be

"Austin tell me please" Ashley begged

She's been bugging me about what's so dangerous about colt I don't wanna fill her in on his back round it's not colts fault

"Fine austin don't tell me" she said

"Jeez ash it's not my story to tell and You don't need to know" I said

"What's so bad about him"

"Ashley please let it go please" I begged

"Uhh fine" she said sitting down in the seat bucking herself

We landed in Miami just at midnight everyone exited the plane along with me and Ashley and dave we got back to the house and went in quietly everyone was asleep so we just went to our rooms to crash tommorw was another day

In the morning I got up late around 12 and walked down the stairs

"Austin your back" alex said running to give me a hug

"Yea buddy I missed you" I said

Everyone came over giving me a group hug Ashley came down a minute later joining in on the hug

"I'm gonna grab some star bucks" I said

"Can I come" austin said

"No austin I just need to walk alone" I said

Star bucks wasn't too far from our house it was about a 10 minute walk but It was worth it all of a sudden we started getting some Miami rain so I ran the rest of the way by the time I got their everything I was wearing and me was soaked I ordered my drink and sat down in the corner keeping to myself

I looked up and saw 2 boys not to far away talking one of them was looking at me and then the other one th red around because he told him when the boy looked at me I looked down but looked back up and noticed it was someone I knew he got up and came over to my table and I looked at him

"Ashely" he said

"Colt hey how come your in Miami" I said

"Oh that kid im with that's my brother I came down to see him he kinda begged me" he said

"Ohhh the boy in the picture" I said laughing

"Yup that's the one" he said

"How old is he know?" I said

"I'm 16 so he's 18 Wanna meet him" he asked

"Yes sure" I said he called his brother over

"Shane this is Ashley" colt said introducing me I stood up and he gave me a hug

"This is the famous Ashely" Shane said

"famous" I said looking at colt

We sat down and talked for a while until they had to leave

"Colt" I yelled

"Colton" I said and he turned around

"Yea" he said

"Can we meet up somewhere tonight just the two of us I need to talk to you about something" I said

"Yea sure I'll get you at 7?" He said

"Sounds good" I said giving him a hug colt was such a cute boy

I got back home later that I said I was gonna and of course I got questioned by austin

"I was talking to someone" I said

"Oh ok" he said

Later we were watching movies but I had to get ready for colt he was gonna be here in less than an hour so I showered and got dressed up in maroon high rise jeans and a "black is my favorite color" shirt and I got downstairs before 7

"Oo Wheres ashie going all dressed up" Rob said hugging me from behind

"Just out for a little while"

"OHH did ash find a boyfriend" alex joked

"No she didn't" austin said

"Does that bother someone" Zach said

"No im just telling you she dosent" austin said

The bell rang and I ran to it but Rob beat me their he pulled the door open looking at colt examining him

"Robert but they call me rob" he said

"Colton but they call me colt" he said shaking robs hand

"Colt what are you doing here" austin said

"Hey Austin didn't know you lived here" he said

"I don't ash where are you going again"

"I have to talk to him since you won't" I whispered

We got to his car this kid had a different one every time I saw him this time he had a silver Ferrari parked outside where did he get all his money jeez

"So where you wanna go" colt said

"I don't wanna go out or anything i wanna go somewhere we can sit and talk"

"No problem"

We pulled up to a big complex building giving the car to valet we climbed the million stairs until we got up to the 4th floor and into an apartment

"Who's house is this?" I asked

"Oh it's my brothers he won't be home till later he went out with his girl" colt said closing the door

"Soo what did you want to talk about" colt said jumping onto the couch

"We'll look I don't really know how to come out and say this but I'm just gonna say it i guess"

"Go ahed I won't bite" colt said laughing

"Well austin keeps telling me your dangerous and you have a bad back round he won't tell me what's so bad about you and I can't really see how bad you are I wanted to hear it from you yourself and not someone else" I said he sat their in thought

"The true story or the one I tell" colt said

"The truth please I've never given you reason to lie to me so I really-"

"Ok if you really want to know I'll tell you but promise you won't regret me telling you" he said


"I was 10 when I got thrown into foster care my foster parents were amazing they were the nicest people I've ever met i got sent their because my mother was a druggie and got sent to jail my father got sent to jail eventually for abusing me and my mother he smacked me around like their was no tomorrow he wanted to make me tougher he made me take boxing to make it look good I was fighting with kids all the time those people in the picture aren't my real family their my adoptive family my dad he wasn't strict he just loved to be in charge he never laid a hand on me but he kept us in line he knew my back round and wanted to set me right I've jumped from homes a lot of wasn't until I was 14 I got pulled into that family Shane my brother he's a really good kid but I left the house because I wasn't getting along with my parents my rebellious act was getting back and I was doing bad things agin so I moved in with one of my best friends Corey and we did bad things together I see my parents sometimes and my dad apologized to me when I saw him last he said he was just trying to put me on the right path" colt said finishing

"Colt I didn't know in so sorry to hear that" I said in tears I didn't know he had such a hard life I hugged him because I felt so bad I never knew he had such a rough start

"So what's the story you tell everyone else" I said

"that I had a bad beginning that's all they need to know" he said

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