Chapter 2 - Bag End

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Just a heads up guys I will be changing dialogue, events, etc to fit the plot so don't yell at me if something is different. I also might put in filler scenes to let romance build something.

I stood there, dazed, not answering his question at first, mouth agape and eyes wide. I had no idea what to do in fact, I wasn't the kind of girl to run off at the first sign of anything, I needed to think it through. Yes I make rash decisions, but this was slightly unsettling, I mean was I supposed to just up and leave EVERYTHING? I don't think mister mysterious wizard.

"Are you alright my dear?" he asked, snapping me out of the daze.

"Ummmm. What would you need me for?" I asked not knowing truly what to say.

"Your healing of course," he spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the entirety of Middle Earth, "it would come of great use. Are you any skilled in combat?"

"Not really. I've never really trained before."

"Then I strongly suggest you do so my dear. You must prepare for this journey, that is if you decide to take my offer. That, dear Celeste, lies up to you. You have one year."

And with that he was off. Shock wasn't a strong enough word to describe what I was feeling. I hadn't the slightest idea what to do. A man I just met told me to train for an adventure in a year. What. The. Fuck.

I looked to Beorn, him giving me a cautious look. This is what I needed to do and I could feel it. I wanted to help people even after what I'd been through, it was my purpose. I didn't want others to feel the pain I had, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Well, maybe a certain giant white bastard we do not speak of. 

"Looks like I have to train," I said, still slightly puzzled as to what had just happened.

Once I had made my decision to pursue the expedition, I looked at it with extreme vigor and passion. I trained every day, dusk to dawn, until I passed out from exhaustion. I was committed, probably more committed than with anything I'd ever done. I became a fierce warrior within months, skilled with each and every weapon. I was deadly. Lethal.

Within a year, Gandalf had returned, anxious to see my progress and hear my answer. 

The old man came traipsing back to the home, a jolly expression upon his face, humming an unknown tune to amuse himself.

"Have you come to a decision young one?" he asked with a hopeful and mischievous twinkle in his eye, as if he had predicted my answer long, which was entirely possible, I have no idea what Gandalf could have up his sleeve. 

"I have chosen to accompany you on this journey. I have trained long and hard and prepared well. Might I inquire what this quest entails?"

"You will be accompanying 13 dwarves and a hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, on their way to reclaim the lost kingdom of Erebor."

"A hobbit? What so inclined you to recruit a hobbit?"

"He is small, light on his feet, the dragon won't recognize his scent."

"Sweet Lord Gandalf, did you just say a dragon?!"

He seemed to ponder for a moment before saying, "Yes. I believe I did."

"I'm starting to regret my decision a bit now."

"Before you change your mind, I need you to meet at Master Baggins' home in the shire, in one month's time."

"How will I know which house is his?"

"I shall mark the door. Well, that settles it then. Remember Celeste, one month's time," he said and took his leave one again, leaving me less confused this time, but not offering up much more information either.

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