Chapter 10 - The Worst Is Over...Not!

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HOLY SHIT GUYS IM ALIVE!!! And here's the new chapter I've been promising!

Everything bustled around me in a terrifying way. Goblins surrounded us and were pulling at our clothes, taking our weapons. My eyes flitted every which way as I tried to figure out what was going on. I could feel boney hands on my body and screeches sounded out loudly. We fought back as the horde pushed us forwards but our efforts were futile.

We were led through an extremely large network of tunnels and bridges. There were hundreds of thousands of goblins around the deep cave, snarling as their eyes fell upon our defeated forms. Finally after walking for a good while, we were led to a huge throne on top of a bridge that didn't look so steady.

The Goblin King stood in front standing at least ten feet tall and ugly as can be.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" the creature shrieked as he waved his staff around.

The goblin in front of us answered, "Dwarves and the girl, your malevolence."

The Goblin King gave a slimy smile as he stared in my direction, "Celeste I've missed your presence here. Bring her here."

My eyes widened in fear as I shook slightly. Flashbacks from my past came flooding through my eyes and was suddenly encapsulated in my own personal hell. I shoved forward, almost falling on my face as I heard shouts of protest from my companions.
He leaned down to my face, only a few inches away.

"Still as pretty as I last saw you. Although you would look better with a few broken bones. Just like old times," he said as he sneered directly at me.

He stood suddenly and ordered, "Search them! Every crack, every crevice. You Celeste can stay with me."

He grabbed my shoulder, forcing me to stand next to him as my hands were tied together. My eyes screwed tightly shut, a grimace on my lips, hoping the moment would pass quickly.

"What are you doing in these parts?" The king asked the company.

The dwarves said nothing as they stared worriedly at my fear. I was happy they were concerned, but desperately just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I made eye contact with Dwalin. He didn't even bother to try and hide his distress seeing as he knew something was wrong.

"Very well. If they will not talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring out the mangler! Bring out the bone breaker! Start with dear Celeste," he smirked creepingly.

My stomach dropped and blood turned cold. It was like I was literally reliving memories in real time. I wasn't ready for it again. I never would be.

Yells sounded, more panicked this time than they were before. Thorin quickly stepped forward in an attempt to save me from extensive torture, making me give him a slight lopsided smile.


The Goblin King cocked an eyebrow and realization struck him.

"Well, well, well, look who it is! Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under The Mountain."

He mocked a bow, eyes still trained on Thorin's body.

"Oh but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain. And you're not a king. Which makes you nobody, really," he insulted.
I turned angrily, gritting my teeth trying to keep myself from exploding.

"He is more of a King than you will ever be. I would follow him to the ends of Middle Earth. You are nothing," I lashed out.

I was given a dirty look from the Goblin King as Thorin and I nodded to each other with friendly smiles.

The Caladrius (A Dwalin x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now