Chapter 11 - Back Home

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Holy shit guys!!!! Another chapter! I just want to give credit to an amazing author I took inspiration from for one of my scenes, the lovelySierra1979

It's true what they say, all good things come to an end. We were on the run again, the Orc scouts had caught our trail once more. Bilbo, being the smallest and stealthiest of us, was on the lookout. We hadn't seen him for more than 20 minutes before he came racing back.

Immediately Thorin asked, "How close is the pack?"

Bilbo leaned over with his hands on his knees, trying to desperately catch his breath and answered, "Too close, a couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it–"

"Have the wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin interrupted.

I slapped him in the shoulder as the poor man was trying to talk.

"Don't be rude," I said as I gave a slight glare.

"Not yet, they will soon enough, but there's another problem–," Bilbo continued.

Gandalf rudely interrupted the hobbit again, saying, "Did they see you? They saw you."

"No it's not that-"

Gandalf interrupted again, "What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse - excellent burglar material."

I got fed up completely and my temper exploded, "Good Lord! Would you all just shut up and stop being rude? Bilbo is trying to tell us something important."

Bilbo gave me a slight smile from my help and said, still frustrated, "There's something else out there."

The fear that he gave off scared me a little. He looked really spooked and I'm not sure he could handle anything worse than what he had all already endured. Even Gandalf looked worried and that is what sparked even more fear.

"What form did it take - like a bear?" he asked.

And that is when all of my fear dissipated. I knew exactly who it was if what he saw truly was a giant bear. I didn't want to get my hopes up in case it wasn't, but we would be saved.

"Yes, except bigger - a lot bigger," Bilbo answered.

My eyes brightened and I squealed loudly with an excited smile. The company gave me very confused looks as to why I was so pumped that there was an enormous, dangerous bear roaming the lands.

"You know about this beast?!" Bofur exclaimed looking at Gandalf and I, "I say we go back."

"And be run down by a pack of Orcs?" Thorin asked incredulously.

"There's a house not too far from here where we can be protected," I told the group gaining a nod from the grey wizard.

"Whose house? Are they friend or foe?" Thorin asked.

Gandalf spoke before I could, "Neither. He will help us... or he will kill us."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh don't be so dramatic you princess."

"What choice do we have?" Thorin asked the tall man.


A huge roar sounded and we were off once again. I lead everyone across a shallow river and the hills of my most recent home. The dark came upon us quickly and we needed to get to the house before nightfall. I could see ahead the silhouette of the home.

"Quickly! This way!" Gandalf ordered as a loud roar came from the woods behind us.

I turned to look behind me, seeing Beorn's large bear form. Teeth were bared and drool was manically flying anywhere. If I didn't know it was my literal father figure, I would have been scared out of my mind.

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