Chapter 5 - Amusement

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Sorry that this is so short guys, I just wanted to get something out there for the time being since it's been a hot minute. Hope you like it :)

I awoke the next morning to the rowdy chatter of Dwarves preparing for the expedition. When I scanned my surroundings I found myself with a blanket laying on the sofa, though I didn't remember ever moving myself from the front of the fireplace.

I sat up, rubbing the tiredness from my slightly red eyes as I tried to get my brain started for the day. It was different however, seeing as I am not a morning person at all.

I gathered my pack that was filled only with necessities such as food, water, and a couple precious items, along with a bed roll to sleep on. I wasn't in much of a mood for anything at the time other than productivity, so I went straight outside to my pony, Orchid. I was ready to go and didn't feel like stalling any longer.

While getting my pack set on Orchid, Fili and Kili came up from behind me and set one of their arms on each of my shoulders.

"You'll be riding next to us, Celeste, just in case you were wondering," Fili said.

"I wasn't," I replied sarcastically with a sharp bite to my words.

"Ooo, someone's in a mood," Kili taunted.

"Well if you couldn't already tell, I'm not exactly one for mornings."

"You're just as bad as Uncle. Except, he's like this all the time," Fili said.

"Isn't that a lovely thought," I said as I rolled my eyes.

I had finished tying up my bag right as everyone started piling out the small round door and Thorin demanded, "We must be on our way now."

"What about Bilbo?" I asked the King with furrowed brows.

"If he so chooses, he will catch up. If not, then we will make due without him."

I knew there was no use in arguing and he was right, we did need to get a move on. I had only hoped that Bilbo would make the right choice. I kept my faith in the young man, I deeply hoped for him to gather his courage and accompany us.

I hopped onto Orchid. I wasn't too keen on riding horses or ponies. They were slightly terrifying, but I had to get over that fear unless I wanted to walk hundreds of miles on my own feet.

Evidently, I did end up between the young brothers as I started to wake up more and get into a more joking mood. They told me of their pranks back home, which got us on the topic of family and home.

"Where do you come from, Celeste?" Fili asked.

"If I'm being honest, I don't really remember much," I answered truthfully.

"Well then, where is your family?" Kili asked.

"That I am not sure of either. I have not seen my parents since I was ten years old."

"And how old are you now?"

Fili scolded Kili, saying, "You're not supposed to ask a lady her age."

"It was just a simple question!" Kili defended.

"Well it's rude!"

They started to bicker back and forth, which had proven to be quite amusing.

"No, no. I really don't mind. I'm 155 years old."

The boys' eyes went wide.

"So you haven't seen your family in 145 years?" Fili pointed out.

"Yes, I believe so. I'm not even certain they are still alive. I haven't had a family in so long."

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