The Man Who Saved My Life

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I started rapidly hitting the power off switches and entering the program to turn the telescope off. My hands were flying as fast as possible to figure out what was happening. While still people screamed and ran around the lab trying to escape. The alarm lights set the room red, as loud sirens repeated.

I turned to see Ryan palms up to the sky. He was speaking a strange language, "Ef ni woom. YU fubo vleatfg iea cho krumog iea mooja. Mequ gupo Daguyu! Gupo umja laro oulch umja rog no vo ieal crubo!" I had no idea what he was saying, but it certainly wasn't English. I returned to trying to turn the core off of the telescope.

"Now I can't have you turning off my master's machine." Right after he said that I hear a gun click against my back. I moved slowly and watched as Ryan switched the beams back on. The ground rumbled and shook beneath my feet.

"Ryan stop this isn't you! Please turn it off! You are being controlled or something!" He laughed a dark cackle, it sounded deep and demonic.

"This is who I was destined to be." Pushing the lever further the telescope was at 100% and the floor beneath me started to crack. I looked to the sky, Jupiters gas was invading our atmosphere. The earth was about to be overcome by toxic gas!

"Im sorry Ryan but I have to stop you." he turned around and laughed, going back to the telescope. I stepped back against the wall and started to run towards him. Plunging a piece of glass straight Into his chest. No blood.
Suddenly I was thrown back against the rubble. Pain instantly flooded up my spine. The surge of fear was overwhelming.

"You were always weak and susceptible. That is why I was the chosen one, to complete masters great plan. To bring our mother planet to earth! To overrule humanity! And you, you helped me build the transport beam to bring Jupiter here. Now you and all earth will kneel before her." Ryan picked me up with his hands at my throat. My eyes slowly started to close until the lights went out. "What the hell?" he said in the silence.

In the dark appeared a small blue light. That light slowly started to illuminate the lab. Then there at the base of the telescope stood...

That waiter? "Actually no one will be kneeling today." He stood there as Ryan dropped me. "Now, I demand you tell me who you are!"

"I only take my orders from my master and they are not pleased with you." The waiter shook his head.

"nsk, nsk, I never come to please. Now tell me WHO ARE YOU?"

Ryan pulled on his lab coat and pointed at his badge. "Well, Dr. Ryan White of course."

"No that man your living in is dead! What is the species inhabiting that body? Species, origin of planet, tell me, or else."

"Never will I reveal myself to you! Your just a man what can you do to me?"

"Alright that was your second chance and I don't give a third." The waiter lunged at Ryan and grabbed the sides of his head. Both rolled their eyes back and struggled against one another. They groaned in pain until both pushed back.

"No please," He held his hands up in surrender.

"I name you Jackraface, and by the rule #635 of the shadow proclamation, you must vacate this planet and take yours with it. And if you ever think of harming the earth ever again... you'll have to deal with me. Now...Run!" And with that Ryans body dissipated into smoke and flew off into the air.

The waiter instantly ran back to the telescope, "Now to reverse the polarity, close down the power core and one tow..."

Many bursts of coughs came from my chest.
"Oh no no no," The strange waiter ran up to and kneeled next to me "Doctor, Doctor l/n? Can you see me?"

"Your that waiter." I croaked out.

"Sure let's call me that. Now can you stand?" Pushing my arm against the rubble I stood one leg but instantly fell back down. "I can't," I whispered out, my whole body burned. I tried again and fell back on my side, the waiter caught me. As he placed his hand on my side, I looked down, to see his palm was covered with blood. Tears fell down my face, I'd lost too much blood.
"Alright listen to me Dr. l/n, me and you are gonna make it out of this lab. You have to hold on for me, alright?" I nodded.

"I can't, I've lost too much blood." the whole laboratory was coming down in collapse, fire, and ash around us. "I can't do it, leave me, save yourself."

"Look at me," he said. I turned slowly and looked at him really for the first time. His eyes were big dark brown, but with gold flecks behind them. He placed his hand on my cheek, instantly I knew I could trust him somehow. We both opened our eyes, he bent down closer, "I will not leave you to die."

My legs were swept out beneath me and he was carrying me in his arms. His face was filled with fire to keep us alive.

I felt myself letting go. The waiter, his blue light, Ryan being dead, my life work is gone, the world on the verge of destruction due to...

My eyes fell closed and my hand dropped.


The ground underneath me felt alien, new, and soft. I wish I could have prepared myself for what I awoke to next.

When I opened my eyes I was in a room, no maybe a bedroom of some sort? The room was only filled with a small table, lamp, and bed. The walls of the room was covered wall to wall with small spheres of some kind. The only colors I could see were a sort of rusted brown or gold. But in between the wall were these suspended beams with clothes and cords and some other unknown gadgets hanging off them.

Was this some kind of heaven? Had I died? The questions ran through my brain at a million miles per hour.

I exited the room to wonder halls upon halls of the same gold sphere-colored walls. After wondering for what seemed to be an hour, I came upon a wide opening. I assumed this would be a lobby or center of some kind. Maybe somewhere with help or an exit? But, when I entered and followed a short staircase up, I was met with a sort of round computer hub. The tall tower at the center radiated a light blue light, along with a kind of wheezing sound.  Like the machine was breathing. The console of it reminded me of my telescope. It was mostly covered in switches, knobs, and buttons.

Being the curious scientist I was I slowly reached out to touch a switch on the console, just to see...

"Your awake."

Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now