The Great Disaster

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Hi everyone!!! Welcome to the first chapter of my doctor who fic! I've been a doctor who/David Tennant fan for almost 10 years, so I've put a lot into this story!
This first chapter is some background information for the character and how she got in the situation she's in now!
I hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave comments with your feedback!

Sitting at my desk I pondered over these new blueprints. This telescope has been my passion project since I had gotten my doctorate. Ever since I've become an assistant professor at (your city) university all I've done is grade papers, stay at the observatory, study and submit my telescope blueprints to Ryan.
Ryan is my best friend and architect, he builds everything for the university. But due to budget cuts and lack of students in our field our telescope went beyond our small campus.
So we have decided to submit it to the London University of Astronomy. Through them maybe it can actually make an impact in the name of science.
It was a long shot but I had faith that we were going to change the way we humans see the stars.
This telescope would go beyond what stars, moons, and planets we have seen in our lifetime. Our project will see beyond the galaxy.

"Y/n? Y/N?" I was transported back to my stack of blueprints and graded papers. In front of my desk was Ryan.

"Sorry, I must have fallen asleep." I turned to sip my now cold coffee. As if on cue he placed a fresh coffee in my hands. "You know me so well."

"Well, I hope you're awake enough for good news, my friend." I nodded still trying to wake up fully. "Pack your bags"

"No!" I stood up from my chair in excitement.

"Oh yes! We have been approved! Off to London, we go!"

Later that night me and Ryan stayed up till midnight drinking and celebrating our huge achievement. I finally felt like I was make a difference...


Within the week we were in London and the telescope had started construction. I always thought it would take years to build it but now half of it is finished already.
Even though I was giddy to see it built the telescope itself made me feel... strange. Almost admitting a off putting energy...

I pushed aside my weird feelings and found Ryan still working on the lens. "Is this round looking better?" I asked picking up some blueprints to hold them up to the light. Lance quickly snatched them out of my hands. Which caught me very off guard. I can imagine he's stressed...

"It's just not right!" Ryan smashed his hand down on the table. I jumped back at his sudden outburst.

"What's not right?" I asked him.

"The lens... you wouldn't understand."

The next few months passed and Ryan continued to change into this drastically different character. Constantly pushing the team past their hours and to the breaking point where they quit! He also so tempered, all the time. Our dream project became our lives. He didn't allow me to leave the lab hardly, the whole team lived here now. No one sleeps... just builds. But, now six months later it is finished.

"Ryan?" I approached him slowly and gently.

"What is it y/n?" he sat scribbling symbols and what look to me like hieroglyphics on the blueprints.

"The head of the university is here to see the telescope. They want to have a grand opening and viewing! Isn't that great?" Not only has Ryan's manner changed but his appearance. The Ryan I knew was well fit and healthy. But since our project he had become bloated, sweat pouring from his brow, and dry cracked lips. As if he was infected from the constant work.

Have I seen him sleep since we started? Or eat?
Why has he kept us locked in this lab?
Do I even know this man who I once called my best friend?

Questions ran through my mind. Everything around this project had become strange. I just hoped once we get it running all this will end.


Investors, professors, rich people, everyone in London had to be at the grand opening. Standing on the balcony overlooking the telescope I couldn't help but feel grateful that it was completed.
Truth be told I wanted to do some test runs but Ryan said "It needs to be the first for the investors. That is the real magic." It made no sense to me but I now did whatever he wanted. I looked around the lab with everyone glammed up. My simple black dress and converse were all I had along with my lab coat. The lab staff never had time to go out and shop for something nice. I felt ashamed of how I was presenting myself and the telescope by not feeling 100% confident.

"Ma'am, can I get you anything?" A waiter tapped my shoulder.

"I'll take one of your champagnes." I grabbed one off his tray. He looked at me up and down then left. Normally I'd be offended by a man checking me out but, tonight I could use the self-esteem boost. I downed my champagne.

"Y/n! Doctor y/n?" Up the stairs came the Dean of the university, Mr. Allen, and who I assume is his wife, Mrs. Allen.

"Ah yes thank you so much sir for letting us preview our telescope. It's been years of hard work between me and Ryan."

"No problem Doctor, I'm excited myself to see the stars like no other and to be able to expand our perspective on the universe. Tell me Doctor how does it work?" I stopped to explain but I realized I can't remember. How can I not remember how my own telescope was created or how it works?

*phone buzz* "Oh will you Excuse me sir, it's time to get started." I ran down to the base of the telescope next to Ryan. For the first time in months, he took my hand and squeezed it.

He whispered in my ear, "Things will never be the same after this night." I smiled at him, it's true after tonight we were going to be famous.
"Ladies, Gents, and others," Lance had taken full control of presenting the telescope. My job was to push the button and make sure the telescope runs properly. "This telescope is unlike any other telescope in the world. Me and my partner Doctor l/n have created something extraordinary. Now I could go on and on blah blah, this is how it works yadah yadah." I was shocked, he was skipping over my whole presentation. I pushed the anger away and turned back towards the telescope's main computer.

Starting up the systems to the power core, the lab began to shake beneath my feet. Right where the core was. "Start it, now," Ryan ordered me. Something is wrong I can feel it. "And for the first time in history, we will be taking a look at our neighbor planet, Jupiter. All we know about her is that she is made up of mostly gas. But now we can see her up close. Doctor l/n start the power core."

Switching the core on the telescope lit up with yellow light. "Now let's see what Jupiter has to show up. OPEN THE LENS!" I typed the password into the launch box and then with hesitation pushed the lever up slowly. The hub opened to the exposed sky and out of the telescope lens sprouted beams of yellow light. They shot out into the atmosphere, nothing happened.

Suddenly out of nowhere, the black sky was no longer black. It was waves of white, red, and pink. The room was filled with screams and awes, everyone was either frozen or running for their lives. Ryan just stood standing grinning ear to ear, fists in a ball. It took me moments to realize what had happened. "No...No... that's impossible...What?" Jupiter had been transported directly next to earth. The sky didn't change color, the sky was Jupiter's atmosphere colliding with earth. 

"What the..."

Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now