Torchwood's Secrets: Part 1

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"Martha we need to talk." Slowly I and Martha faded away from the business party to another room. "Torchwood! Really Martha Torchwood! How do you work for torchwood? Blimey"

"I did it for you, Doctor! They told me they would help me find you." I rubbed my face with my hands and ruffled my hair. How frustrated I was with Martha was beyond words.

"Martha do you know what torchwood does! what they have done!" She shook her head no. "Christmas Day the Sycorax, they murdered them all! Holding Daleks, creating Cybermen," I tried not to be over frantic but I just couldn't hold back. "Rose..."

"What about rose Doctor?" Her tone about rose set me off, it was the wrong topic for now.

"Never mind! Look, they are an institution that holds too much power!" I took a deep breath. "I need to get ahead of it, Martha you can either help me or help them. But if you help them I cannot promise I'll be there to look out for you." I raised my eyebrows and looked straight at her. I knew Martha, or at least I felt like I knew her. But this new her working for torchwood, was it my fault?

"Follow me, let me show you what we're doing Doctor I promise you!" I started to walk off over her denial of Torchwood's malicious past.

"No Martha, I thought I made myself clear! Very clear!" I couldn't look at her. "I will deal with this on my own then."

"Doctor! Doctor!"

I walked away, thinking of rose and the pain Torchwood caused her. What dark turns they had taken that were so against humanity. Not Martha, I would get her out. I will expose Torchwood's deep secrets.


"Alright Tardis, just you me, and a stakeout! What do you say? Can I get a wahoo?" The whirls and high-pitched wheezing continued. I rolled my eyes. I need someone, Martha was right about that.

The monitor dinged which meant the building was clear.
It was dark and silent but luckily I had my sonic to deal with that. I found the main power grid and put my sonic to it. Within minutes the main lights were back on. "O'yes!"

-Y/n POV-

Hiding in my office was not as hard as I expected it. I managed to convince a tech that I was staying over to recalibrate the magnification on the tracker. But in reality, I was ready to do some more snooping.
Months I've been poking around this building. Figuring out that it was not actually London's protective homeland agency. But it was Torchwood.

After Martha asked me to work here I knew they had to have something on the Doctor, aliens, and this new world I've become a part of. So now every night or so I "stay over" and search for the truth. Rummaging through paperwork and secret files.

The lights were off and that was my cue. It's time to see what Torchwood is really up to.
And also where these people are missing too. Because part of me knows it's connected to Torchwood and my tracker, maybe even the telescope incident. It all had to be connected.

-Doctor POV-

I was getting close to the mainframe of Torchwood the sonic kept beeping faster and faster. Once I get into the main computer I can access all of Torchwood's secret files. Slowly I entered the top floor. Next to me was a computer room and what looked to be towers for the whole building. But at the end of the hallway was a big glass office. That must be where the files are, if not I'll come back to this computer room. We'll see what sonic can download.

Slowly I moved into the office, sonic in hand. The open windows overlooked all of London. At the end of the room was a big desk and what I assume is the
Head of Torchwood's computer. "Bingo" I whispered. The moment I spoke someone jumped and hit their head from behind the desk.
"Oof!" The stranger went. And the instant rustling of papers and things started to happen. In the dark, I couldn't see the person but I could pick out their movements with my ears. If I could just...oh wait.
I turned to the wall and flipped the light switch on.
From behind the desk, the figure stood facing the window holding papers.

"Stop! Turn around!" I yelled. The figure reached to the side and turned another light off. Suddenly the building alarms started ringing and lights started flashing. They started running and I ran after them. Back down the stairs and into the main office we ran and ran. I lost them between the cubicles, running between each. Until...

"Boom!" We ran right into each other.


"What the hell?"
The lights came up because of the alarm's main power cut on. And suddenly the stranger's face was visible.


"Doctor L/n?"  She raised her eyebrows at me. "Y/n, sorry." Then we both couldn't help but smile and laugh. Out of pure shock and excitement, we forgot the alarms. Until I started to hear footsteps. I reached out and grabbed her hand, we locked eye, "Run!"Quickly we ran out of the building and back into the alley where...

"The Tardis!" She yelled.

I was already halfway in before I noticed anything. "Yes, you remember the Tardis. Tardis, Y/n, y/n Tardis." But wait, "Y/n I never told you the Tardis name. How did you know?"

"Torchwood, when I started working for them my one demand was they tell me about well you."

"Great you also work for Torchwood fantastic! Any more people I know work for Torchwood?" The alarms sounded louder, "No time for shenanigans get inside!"

And with that, we were off.

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