Doctor? Doctor Who?

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As I jumped out of shock I accidentally hit one of the switches on the console. The lit up tower started wheezing in a higher pitch and the floor started moving.
But very calmly the same man, the same waiter walked over and pressed a switch or button and everything stopped.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he held his hands up in a surrender.

"Your that waiter." I pointed at him. Although he no longer wore his plain penguin suit that I saw him in last. But instead wore a brown and blue stripped suit with a long trench coat on top.

"Well, I think we should establish I'm not really a waiter." he stood on the other side of the room, hands in pockets rocking back and forth.

"Then strange man, who possibly saved by life," I walked around still nervous about how I got here. This man was tall, slender, with long stuck up hair and undoubtedly very good-looking, but was he dangerous? He might of saved me and the earth but he admitted... Power. "Who are you?"

Suddenly the floor stopped moving and the machine stopped wheezing. "Ah here we are then home sweet home."
He walked to the front of the room and opened these square looking doors. When he did I recognized the outside immediately.

"This is (your city), this is my home. Not London."  We we're standing on the roof of my apartment building. It overlooked the whole city. I never realized how much I missed my home while I was in London. "How did you..?" He held up my wallet and tossed it back to me.

"Sorry, I wanted to bring you back to the right place, this is the right place then?" I nodded, in shocked of how we traveled here.

Turning around I expected to see a plane, helicopter, or more likely a spaceship but instead there sat...
An old blue box.
I walked around it staring, studying and sliding my hand around the rough exterior. "A police box?"

"It's my..well.. it's my spaceship of sorts." It took me a couple of seconds to process what was happening. While he just stood there leaning against it watching my reactions intensely.

"Its beautiful," I say under my breath. Unknowingly he looked me up and down. All I saw was a small sly smile form in the corner of his mouth.
"So you save my life, take me to your blue police box and then bring me home? How is anyone supposed to process this in only a couple hours?" I sat on the stoop of the roof, dangling my feet off the edge, running my hands through my hair. He slowly sat down next to me.

He took a deep breath, "Eh It's not been hours Dr. L/n" I turned to look at him in awe. "It's been days since London."

"Days!" I gasped and put my face in the palms of my hands. "Everything, my life's work, it's gone. I almost killed the entire human race."

He put his hand on mine, "you didn't know, it's okay you didn't know. You just wanted to explore the stars, I understand that Dr..."

"Please call me y/n, I think we've been through too much for you to call me doctor." I let out a short laugh along with him.

It went silent for a moment. I took a deep breath. "I think we've also established your not human."

"Whot? How did you?" He looked at me shocked.

"Well you drive a big blue box from London to my home within days. Then you magically heal my broken spine and open wound. Then you somehow name an alien being that was living in my best friend and banish that alien race from earth, saving all of humanity." He sat there astonished at what I assume no one had ever gotten right away.

"Your right. I'm not human, I'm not a waiter. In fact I was watching your project for months." Sneaky, but I let him go on. "I thought it was outstanding! How advanced your technology was for your time. You were almost a century ahead of telescope tech, it was amazing! Truly I should have seen the signs. But Dr..." I looked at him with my eyebrows up. "Y/n, even without alien help," He smiled at me, "Your brilliant!"

My cheeks turned flush, an alien calling me brilliant. That was beyond validation.

"So, strange space man. Do you have a name? What should I call you? Martian?" He palmed his face.

"I'm, I'm not from mars." He stood up fixing his coat like those old 1920s magicians. "I'm the Doctor!" he stood hands out. I let out a loud laugh.

"And?" We exchange puzzled looks.

"Just the Doctor."

"Okay, so you're a doctor, but what's your first name or last name? What do you go by?"

"No first name or last, just the doctor." An alien called the doctor... How bizarre
"Honestly I'm surprised you didn't ask me..." He whispered.

"Doctor who?" I spat out still confused.
He turned to me and rolled his eyes. Just the doctor, got it. Well kind of. Not really.


Hours passed and I was all comfortable back in my apartment. The doctor had helped me get all my stuff from London unpacked and everything set in place.
I offered to make him a cup of tea and surprisingly he accepted.

"If your an alien why do you have a British accent?" I blurted out. "You could have any accent in the world!"

"And people call me rude." He rolled his eyes and buzzed his lips. Crossing his legs sassily at my small dinner table.

"Sorry I'm just curious." I drank my coffee, I could never get used to English tea.

He took a deep breath and sipped, "It was where I first landed, back in the 1960s. So I picked up the lingo." I laughed at how he spoke. He was so unique, unlike anything I've ever seen, someone act like that. Just to stay with me for a few hours to make sure I was okay, maybe he was also kind.

"What about your family? Even martians must have someone to go home to. Parents, kids... wife or husband, I don't know?" My cheeks went flush, I laughed but the doctor didn't. His eyes glazed and face dropped, hands running through his hair. Causing it to become even more of a jumbled mess. "Doctor? Did I say something."

"No no! I um...Just got lost in thought." He paused, a silence filled the apartment. "Y/n since your doing better. I thought."

"Your ready to go. I understand yknow saving people, planets, I'm just one human." I stood up and clapped. "You know I probably need to start calling people from the laboratory and Lances family and telling them..." I felt tears well up.

"Look at me y/n," I looked at him and took some deep breaths. "You are certainly no ordinary human. And I will clean up the mess don't you worry."

"How can I ever thank you?" I reached out to shake his hand and he shook mine back.

"The pleasure was all mine, Y/n L/n." We smiled at each other, not knowing that neither one wanted to leave.

"Well you got other planets, aliens and people to save so." We walked back to the roof where his police box still sat.

"Eh thanks for the cup of tea."


He walked back to his mystery police box, opened the door.

"Wait Doctor!"

"Yes?" He turned with anticipation.

"Thank you for saving my life. I'll never forget you," I ran up and kissed his freckled cheek.

He smiled, "Anytime." And with repeating words of goodbyes the police box disappeared. Followed by those amazing wheezing noises I had grown to love so much.

Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now