Torchwood's Secrets: Part 2

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Long chapter ahead!


"Doctor, did they see us?!" He ran around the tardis bouncing around like a jackrabbit. Hitting switches and buttons so fast.

"No, because I'm very clever! And tadah!" The tardis let out a deep wheeze. "The tardis is now in camouflage mode." He crossed his legs and arms looking very proud.

We both looked at each other for the first moment we had time to process seeing one another again.

"Y/n L/n," he chuckled. "What are the odds." He walked up and wrapped me in his arms for a quick hug.
We both started laughing hysterically, from bumping into each other to running, back to the tardis, it was a lot. It was almost overwhelming but I was so relieved to finally found him. After almost a year I was finally back in the Tardis with the Doctor.

"I can't believe I found you!" I said through our laughter.

"Right! Torchwood! Do you even know!" He started to pace again. I could tell he was happy to see me but about to get angry, so I set things straight.

"Oy, spaceman listen here I only took that job to find you! And because something is connected to me and Torchwood and I need your help to find out what."The Doctor put his head down and stared at me. He almost looked shocked at the real reason I was working for Torchwood. It wasn't surprising I moved back to London after almost losing my life just for him.

"Right well, all's forgiven. As long as you help me. But hold on hold on hold on what do you mean connected?" The Doctor unknowingly blushed.

We sat down on the little tardis sofa and I caught the Doctor upon Torchwood and what I had experienced over these past months. The mysterious disappearances, how they asked me to replicate my telescope, Martha.

"Martha? How do you know Martha?" He stood up shocked.

"She was the one who turned up on my doorstep. Telling me the one thing we had in common and how she could help me."

"And that was?"

"You, obviously! I thought you were some kind of spaceman, alien, genius?"

"Oy, you, you knock it off!" We both laughed. There was a moment of silence that followed, I looked at his face. He had not aged or changed since that night. The fire I once remembered in his eyes had now faded. I never noticed how comical the Doctor dressed with his stuck-up hair and gigantic trench coat. It practically swallowed his small frame. Or his strong face and jaw, handsome eyes but angry brows. "Are all aliens this uniquely stunning." I thought to myself. Trying not to blush at the grossly insane thought.
But he had changed somehow... still that strange man who saved my life, my doctor.

"I am sorry y/n."

"For what doctor?" I came back to the moment and out of my daze. What could the doctor be sorry for?

"I hate assuming anything about anyone. Not me, very not me, I like to keep an open mind but I just assumed when you said you working for Torchwood that you were,"

"Working for the enemy?" He looked down ashamed. I could tell someone has betrayed his trust. Why would anyone hurt the doctor like that? "Doctor..." but before I could speak the Tardis started roaring and spinning. I held on tight to the outer bars of the tardis while the doctor was at the console. "Doctor what's wrong?!"

"The Tardis! someone is looking for it, they've disabled the camouflage. How?" The tardis shook and wheezed harder than ever. All while the Doctor was running around like a mad man trying to hit all the buttons he could. Eventually, it stopped, he waved me over. "Alright see this monitor?"

Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now