Why Her?

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As me and John walked into the bar's parlor we were amazed by the decor of it all. "My god, this place is gorgeous isn't it John?" I placed my head on his shoulder. Taking in the grand chandeliers, large burgundy curtains, and black and white checkered floors. All of that topped with the best jazz I've ever heard in New York City, my what we were missing. The mayor truly knew luxury.

Suddenly my feet lifted off the floor. I was spinning around madly. "Come here, pretty lady!" I was put down and a little light-headed. I looked up to see a bright big smile that I never could forget!

"Jack you madman!" I slapped his shoulder. "Don't you know never to surprise a woman in a corset?"

"Jane it's good to see you! First time since the...accident." He kissed the top of my hand. "And my don't you look fabulous!" John coughed at jack.

"Oi be careful that's my wife your talking to." John nudged jacks arm. The two hugged as Jack laughed.

"You have no idea how strange that is to hear." Me and John shot each other a strange glance. But jack just lead us further into the dance floor.

Throughout the night I danced with jack a couple of times, drank some champagne, and chatted with some of John's coworkers. John of course had gotten swarmed by them and had turned the evening into full work conversations. But finally, he found me sitting at our table, and then I realized our song was playing.

"Fur Elsie, it was always your favorite." He smiled down at me and I couldn't help but blush. My husband was the best-looking man in this room alright. Tall, slender, head full of almost too much hair.

"How do you remember such small things?" He grabbed my hand and dragged me onto the dance floor.

"I remember because you always are on my mind. Ever since we met I've been obsessed with you and just how incredible you are. You made a permanent impression. I thought it was quite obvious." He laughed. I swayed my legs with his and placed my head on his chest.

"I made an impression! You made quite a big one for me. You walked in with all that vibrant confidence sass and that hair, how could a girl forget. You know I just knew I had to follow you wherever you went. You were the only person who ever made me feel such...wonder." the memory faded but the feelings bleedthrough.

I intertwined my fingers with his. He looked down at me, touching the bottom of my chin. "How long will you stay with me?"  I nodded to him.

"Forever." He leaned down and pulled my chin into him. Our faces were so close. He planted his lips on mine. While John was my husband something deep down told me this kiss was different. This kiss was felt down in my stomach. Almost as if it was the first time.

The music halted to a stop, the crowd turned to the staircase. Me and John looked toward everyone, breathing deep from the strange passionate kiss we had.
At the top of the large staircase was the mayor and his wife. The room was filled with applause. "John it's the mayor!" I had been so excited to meet the man my husband worked so hard under. And while John never loved the mayor I always thought he could look up to him. I turned to look at him and see his reaction but both he and Jack had left my side.

I scoured the room for them but I saw them nowhere among the crowd. "John? Jack?" Wading through the large crowd by the stairs I desperately made my way to the bar. Still no sight of them.
There was a tap on my shoulder, "oh John I was just..."

My eyes popped open. "Oh my god, Mr. Mayor I am so sorry I thought you were my husband!" He smiled a wide grin and adjusted his tie.

"Oh, no problem my dear! You must be Mr. Smiths' lovely companion, oh I'm sorry his wife! How fantastic is that." He seemed very intrigued by me being with John. But I could see what John meant when he said the mayor was "hyperkinetic. He was basically vibrating with energy. " Now Where is that john fellow now? He should be with his beloved and enjoying some dancing!"

I nodded, "We did dance sir, and might I say what a wonderful choice of band you've chosen."

"The best in the Big Apple! My wife is quite fond of them. She's over there mingling as you women do." She turned and sent me a wink and wave. "Say how long have you two been married Mrs.?"

"Jane, sir and we've been married for um... I'm oh it's um seems I've forgotten." Suddenly I got a splitting migraine, the pain stinging between my eyebrows. "Oh, sir I'm sorry I have the worst headache all of a sudden." My legs went weak.

"Oh no dear please sit," he placed his hand on my back and guided me to the chair next to me. "Here's some champagne, alcohol calms the pain trust me." He winked and I sipped the champagne.

"STOP!" A yell came from the far stairs of the room. My vision went blurry but at the top of them, I swore I saw figures of John and maybe Jack, and a small blue light?

The room went black.

-The Doctor POV-

"Leave her alone!" I pointed my sonic screwdriver right at him across the full room of people. Jack stood behind me preparing to run to get Y/n.

"Well, well," he clapped slowly approaching me through the crowd. He stopped when he saw Jack getting ready to run. "Doctor you've finally woken out of your fantasy coma! Brava! And good ole Captain Jack, how old you must be now?"

"Not as old as you, Mayor Saxon or should I say The Master!" The whole crowd gasped, lots of their faces confused. But the only thing I was worried about was y/n.

"Get out everyone now!" I ordered all of them. Everyone including staff ran out from beside the staircases. "What do you want Master!" He laughed at me. "Tell me!"

"Her." He gestured to y/n as she lay unconscious in the arms of his guards.

My mind went blank, what could the master want with y/n over me. "Don't take her! I'm willing to fight you myself! Don't you think you can ever EVER take her just to rile me up cause I'll offer myself over her every time!" The master laughed and moved even closer to the staircase, jack inched closer to y/n.

The master clapped again. "Doctor you are so IGNORANT! Always have been. You know why? It's because you think this all is still about you!" He held his hands out all grand. "This isn't about you my old friend, this... this is about her."

Flashes of light surrounded y/n, the guards, and the master's wife. They disappeared as jack ran faster and faster to get to her. But he was too late, as he crashed against the now empty bar.

The master stood triumphant, "Doctor y/n is more than you know. All that potential has been stashed away your side! I'm genuinely shocked how you haven't seen it! Well anyways, lets just say she's back where she belongs. Oh and by the way I suggest you don't come and find us. Bye-bye." And as I ran down the stairs to try and grab him he was transported away.

I hit the floor, the same me and y/n had danced on minutes ago. My hands pressed to the wood. "She's gone..." jack ran over and grabbed my shoulders.

"Doctor we'll find her I promise." I was in shock, y/n had been taken. I failed to protect her. Knowing she was with the master, knowing what all he could be doing to her...

"He took her!" I screamed throughout the empty dance hall. Hitting the floor with my fist. "Why? Why her?" I said, pounding my chest.

Nothing would hold me back from getting her back to me. Nothing.

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