Searching, Moving on, Waiting.

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It has been over eight months since the doctor left. Ever since I have been scouring the globe to find him again. How could I be so stupid? Letting him just leave like that.
I saw him. In my dreams.
Images of him standing in his Tardis, tinkering with something, or swinging his trench coat.
It felt embarrassing, I barely knew him. But I felt tethered to him. Eventually I'd have to move on, stop searching, waiting for him to return.
But, for now I'll be looking for that blue box.
Many things have happened in these eight months. I'm back in London. New Life, new job. All because of one woman. My life has turned upside down. No one cared except her.
A fellow doctor seeker.


It was mere days since he had left. I was still trying to recover from a broken rib, and torn side muscles. And my physician had stopped by my old apartmentto check on me. "Thank you Dr. Luther I'll make sure to keep off my stitches."

A cup of coffee and some couch time later I heard a knock at my door. Which was strange cause I wasn't expecting anyone.
Slowly walking over I hit my apartment doors buzzer.

"How can I help you?"

"Dr. Y/n L/n?"

"That's me." I thought back to all the scared people from the grand reveal for the telescope that have been calling me. Maybe someone was so upset they came to get me? "Listen if this is about the telescope grand reveal I'm so sorry for what you went through and..."

"It isn't."

"Oh, well how can I help you then?" I still did not buzz the stranger in.

"I think me and you are both looking for someone." The woman clearly was British by her voice.

"And who is that?"

"The Doctor."


After that day I had joined forces with that strange woman who met me back home. She offered me a job working for the London Homeland protective agency. Even making me head of the technology department. Everyday I was saving people from aliens just like I had been threatened by. The doctor should be proud.

Currently we were dealing with an app that was killing people. Five deaths in seven days. Each one of them just disappearing from their homes. My job is finding a way to anticipate or track the apps next victim. But in secret I was just trying to find aliens because that would lead me back, to him, to the Doctor.

"Dr. L/n?" A lab tech called for me across the room.


"Sergent is wanting to see you." I took a deep breath it was never good when Sergent was calling for me.


"Sir? You wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes Doctor L/n, we were wanting to know how your tracking was going."

"Its going well, Sir. We've narrowed down the alien technology to one thats been to earth before. It's just the matter of getting with Torchwood and"

"I will handle any communications with Torchwood." I was instantly reminded of how little I was. I'd never find the Doctor with all this red tape. "By the way Dr. Jones was looking for you as well."

I wanted to roll my eyes, but I did my best to remain 'professional'. "Yes sir."


Walking back into the lab, I grabbed our data we had collected and went to meet Dr. Jones. But instead I found her sitting on my desk as I entered my office.


"Dr. L/n." The silence was deafening. You definitely feel the tension in the room. "I came to find you and see how your tracking has been going."

"If your referring to the Doctor then no I've found nothing."

She smacked her fist on the table. "How! You told me your alien scan tech was the best in the world. Hell you did build a telescope that brought them to us!"

"It was a telecommunications beam that was created by an alien. I'm just a human trying to find who you tell me is the hardest to find alien in the world. All while people are dying for a reason I have no idea! So don't tell me I'm not doing my damn job Martha."

She left the room quickly, my coffee now cold from our extensive argument. "Doctor where are you? Earth needs you... I"

-The Doctors POV-

Sitting in the Tardis I let out a deep sigh. I hopped up and threw on my trench coat. "Alright girl where should we go today?" I asked the tardis, if only she answered back. The monitor turned on and started beeping. "Well hello," when I spun it around the monitor had the London news (21st century) on, "Whot?" I was so confused the tardis didn't just play the telly randomly.

"Breaking news, we take you to the steps of London's national security building to give you updates on the mysterious disappearances of what people are calling the blip." My face suddenly frozen with shock. On the monitor popped up a face I could and would never forget.

And suddenly with both my hearts, I knew the Tardis and I were heading to back to earth.


The building stood out like a sore thumb in London and was relatively easy to find. I was on a mission to figure out about the blip and find her.

I entered the building with Londons 'top security' like it was nothing.

"Excuse me sir what's your name and do you have an appointment?" I threw up my physic paper with my normal confidence. "Oh Senator John Smith I do apologize, right this way."

"Yes, right away!" I marched and was instantly put into a group of well suited business types. Ugh pompous, smug, "Hello! Senator John Smith!" I introduced myself to one of the lab coated men in the front, with a flash of the physic paper.

"Sir please wait for the tour to begin."

"Oh a tour I love a good tour. And what is this tour about exactly." I love having no idea what I was doing, makes it more exciting!

"Youll find out soon sir, look here comes the Doctor now."

"Interesting," Everyone in the room gathered around anxious to see what the mystery tour for London's most luxurious investors.

"Gentlemen," I turned because it didn't take just being a time lord to know that voice. "Welcome."

Across the room and behind this group of men we made eye contact. I couldn't help but wave, I could see the shock in her face. Suddenly she switched back to her introduction.

"I am Doctor Martha Jones." I couldn't help but smile. Martha Jones, brilliant! My once companion standing right in front of me, and now an official doctor. Good on you Martha, I thought to myself. "You have been invited here today to have a chance to invest in the earths future. Her potential." My interest was peaked.
"For year's earth has hiding herself from exploring and going beyond our galaxy. Shedding the chance to communicate with other life, alien life. But now with this,"

On the projector was a similar blueprint to something I've seen before. But where?

"We can communicate, track and explore all of space." No, no wait, that is.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Torchwood."

Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now