Time And Relative Dimension In Space

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The moment I entered the Tardis I fell...right on top of the doctor. At first I panicked because normally it was awkward to land on top of someone but then the doctor started laughing, and laughing and laughing, until we both started cackling.  we both stood up, trying to regather hysterical selves.

"Welcome y/n to the tardis!" He held out his arms in grand reveal.

"Yes we've met before," I laughed. Then I ran around touching every surface. Overjoyed just to be standing back in here with the doctor. "I never thought I'd be back."

"Oh now you didn't think I'd let the best astronomer  I know go to waste did you?" He threw me a huge grin and I couldn't help but blush. "So ah where does y/n want to go first!" He said spinning around with glee.

"London." His eyes popped open real big.

"I beg your pardon?" He propped himself up on the sofa for balance.

"Well the Tardis can only travel on earth and earths atmosphere right so I thought it would be fun for you to show me around London more." It took the Doctor a moment to process but then he realized.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, you don't know." He rolled his head around.

"Know what Doctor?"

"Tardis, Time and Relative Dimension in Space." He laid back all smug but I didn't understand, was I being stupid. Wait...

"ITS A TIME MACHINE! OH I'm so thick!" I smacked the side of my head. The Doctor snorted.

"Well someone picked up the lingo, London and Time Lord."

"Wait so the Tardis can go anywhere in time, space, anywhere?" He nodded and wouldn't stop giggling.

"Finally I out smarted you. I was beginning to think you were almost as smart as me and we all know that is.." He went on and on but it was all sinking it. I could see everything, other stars, aliens, moons, suns. "Oh I know let's see..." I didn't even notice the Tardis was moving. So many questions ran through my mind.

"Doctor." He still was hitting switches, pulling levers and talking to himself. "Doctor!"

"Yes, sorry just got on a bit of a rant there." He walked over to me and grabbed my hand.
"I want to show you something." He took my hand and brought me over to the Tardis's doors. That's when he pushed them both open.

I gasped and placed both hands over my mouth.

"Y/n, meet the Milky Way Galaxy."

"Oh my god." Was all I could muster. The Doctor placed his hand on my back and leaned me closer to the door way. "Wait, how are we breathing? Wait, Hold on," I stuck my finger out into space. "An oxygen field cast around the Tardis, oh you are clever." I punched his shoulder.

"And just when I thought I could surprise you."

"No no, this, this is... the most wondrous thing I've ever seen. I mean I've always wanted to see this! Look over there that's the Orion spur! And there at the top the Scutum-Centaurus Arm!" The Doctor watched my overjoyed face as I went on and on for minutes.

"Well, are you ready?" he said gesturing vaguely.

"Ready for what?"

"To see the stars." The doctor walked me closer to the edge of the doorway, "Do you trust me?"

"Yes." Then slowly he lifted me out of the tardis and held my hand.  My legs started to float and my hair spread out in the air. "Im floating! In space!"

"Oh yes! Time for a spacewalk don't you think?" I felt tears pull up in my eyes. I could see the doctors grin immediately drop. "Oh no to soon, come on I'll pull you in."

"no no it's just to good to believe. Space man sends me for a spacewalk. In the milky way!" He laughed.


For hours I floated in space, the doctor sitting in the tardis doorway holding the rope tied around my waist. The stars shined so bright and clear that my eyes felt permanently burned with the image of them. The intricate lines of the milky way almost breathed like it was alive.

"Tell me, what are you thinking?" The doctor grabbed my attention back to him. For the first time since I had been with the doctor he seemed, relaxed.
He laid back against his arms and crossed his feet. But he had taken his suit jacket off and let his hair be well, sticky upy more than usual. He looked...

"Nothing just thinking about how lucky I am. To be here with you. But I can't help but think..."


"I'll have to go back soon." The doctors eyes widened for a second and instead of sad he looked confused.

"Why do you say that?" I didn't want to admit to him that when I worked with Martha I pryed everything doctor-related I could out of her.

"When is my trip up? When I worked with Martha she said, that you only offered her one trip. Don't get me wrong this is... a dream." His face froze, I could tell he was embarrassed.

"Y/n, If you want to go home, if this is to much then."

"No no, if it's okay with you I want to stay." His eyebrows raised underneath his long hair.

"Really? I just assumed from what Martha told you..."

"I'm not Martha and I don't care. I don't really have anything to do with my life and for some reason I can't help but feel," I stopped because I was risking sounding well, clingy. The Doctor raised his eyebrows waiting for me to continue. "I can't help but feel I was made for this. My whole life I've studied these stars, planets, possible alien life. And when you showed me that was all real, well I can't just give up."

The Doctor stood up and took my rope into his hands. Slowly he pulled me back into the Tardis and when I landed on my feet. Nerves filled my stomach. 'He must think I'm an idiot.' I thought to myself.

"Y/n, I'm gonna hug you, if that's okay." He smiled his biggest smile and I opened my arms for him. He picked my whole body up and spun me round and round. "You humans are just brilliant! Never cease to amaze me!" He shouted still spinning me.

"Doctor. Doctor! I'm gonna get sick if you keep squeezing me," I half laughed.

"Oh sorry," he put me down and grabbed my shoulders. "That! That passion that drive for exploration, that is how I feel! No one I've traveled with has ever understood that. Sure, they love the alien planets and new territory but no one appreciates..."

"The science?" He laughed and hugged me again.

"Oh yes!"


The Tardis spun around the Milky Way for quite awhile and instead of rushing off somewhere out of impulse.
Me and the doctor for hours and hours just talked. Talked about space theories, time continuums, possible new universes and dimensions. He explained how he had seen different world parallels and worm holes, every single queen, a possible werewolf, and so much more. And he took all my questions without any shame for he was equally as fascinated to have someone who understood him in a different way.
I knew that we were meant to meet. All along I was meant to travel with the Doctor, in the Tardis.

I only wonder, where will he take me next.

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