The Confession

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-Y/n POV-
I blacked out, only remembering my body hitting the floor. The bits of the former conversation blank in my mind. New York, dancing, the kiss, I remembered those parts. Telling the doctor the truth about me,  remember that. But what else? I didn't have time to think cause as I focused, I awoke to the master holding me and the Doctor captive still, the master rambling.

"Doctor! Don't you see?" He stood above him like a god. "Look at me!" The master grabbed the doctor's face, I shouted for him to stop. He let go. "Tell me, Doctor, you've finally shown your true feelings for my daughter and that you saw her brilliance before you even knew her." The Doctor nodded, still unable to look at me. "Tell me Doctor, hasn't that all changed now? Don't you understand why?"

"I understand," the Doctor looked up in fury. "I understand completely!" He just stared back at the master, the fire in his eyes piercing him.

The master pressed his control cuff on his wrist, "cybermen take them to her cell." They grabbed me and the Doctor, strapped us down, and carried us back to my "room" which started as my cell all those years ago.

- Captain Jack POV-

The door started rustling, "HELP ANYONE! DOCTOR? Y/n?! God, what person do I gotta kiss to get outta here." Four Cybermen entered the room carrying a distressed y/n and Doctor along with them.  "Some rescue these guys are, really 2 stars." I rolled my eyes.

When the Cybermen left,  y/n shuffled over to a side table next to her bed, she reached in grabbing a small device. Then walking over to me, she unchained my cuffs. "That's more like it," I shook my hands loose. "Y/n I'm so sorry, seven years we had..." she wrapped me in a big hug.

"Shut up you big moron." She squeezed me tighter.

"Ow ow, I have to breathe you know. And what happened to the angry y/n?" We laughed together, it felt nice to see her smile again.

"The Doctor restored my memories," she looked over at him as he glanced towards the ground.

"What happened?" I was confused by the sudden mood change. Y/n looked down too. "You guys?! What happened?!"

Y/n proceeded to tell the full-length story. How she and the master were "equated". I shivered and how the doctor finally "understood" something. Her memory seemed foggy of the whole event.

"And then I blacked out... I was just so overwhelmed and couldn't breathe." She looked towards the Doctor and the two locked eyes. He looked so sad, but y/n for the first time looked like she was present at least.

"I'm sorry y/n..." I told her. "I can't imagine what you've been through." I patted her shoulder. She walked over to release the Doctor. "At least now you remember New York. And what unfolded..."

"Yeah," was all she said. The two couldn't even look at one another.

"Seriously!" I let out after minutes had passed and we all set in silence. "You two I swear! You were married or are married! Doctor, I haven't seen you that happy since rose," he shot me an angry look. "Yes, I said it! You were! And that's okay, you cared for rose and you moved on that's okay!" He looked over at y/n then back down at the floor. "Doctor, are you telling me finding out she's the master's daughter changes anything?"

He stayed silent. Y/n walked into the other room, placing her sonic device in my hand. She whispered, "he doesn't like goodbyes." I felt anger raise up in me.

"You better have a damn good explanation why your acting so ignorant to her."

The Doctor looked at me and then back down to his hand he spun the gold band around his finger. We both looked at each other. "Shhhh," he shushed me. His eyes shot up to the corner of the room, cameras. He knew the master was watching. He was stalling, making the master angry.

Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now