Chapter 6: Nervous

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Krystal slowly opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings. She was in her room. She knew that. What she didn't know is how she got there.

She got up too fast and the dizziness came back. She sat to the side of her bed to see if it would go away. She touched her nose and her forehead, and the pain shot through her body again. She winced in pain.

She slowly stood up and went into the bathroom to see how bad it looked. It was bruised. She had some tissue up her nose. They were full of blood. She took them out and made sure she wasn't bleeding anymore. Her mouth felt dry, probably because she was sleeping with her mouth open considering her nose was plugged with tissue.

She walked out of the bathroom and made it to Jessica's room. She knocked on the door, but no one answered. She knocked once more, but still there was no answer. So she thought maybe she'd be downstairs. So that's where she went.

She made it downstairs and she heard some talking. She was about to enter the living room, when she saw it was Jessica and her dad. They were laughing. She just stood there watching. She was also going to get some ice so the swelling would go down, but she didn't feel the pain anymore. What she felt was sadness.

Even though it was just the two of them, they looked happy. It was never like that with Krystal and her mom. Her mother was usually never home, so it would just be Krystal. She didn't feel like she belonged with them. They looked okay without her, clearly....or that's what she thought at least.

She decided not to interupt them and she just went back upstairs, quietly. She entered her room and went back to bed. She looked at the time and it was obviously dark out. She was a bit hungry, but didn't feel like going downstairs again.

She lay their for a bit simply thinking about things. The pain had come back, but she didn't care. Slowly her eyes became heavy and bit by bit they began to close. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

She heard her alarm go off and with her eyes still closed she turned it off. It felt like she hadn't been asleep that long and it was already time to get up. She was lying on her side and she could feel something wet on her pillow. She thought maybe it was her slobber.

She lazily sat up, but she still had her eyes closed. She stood up and stretched. She opened them and walked into her bathroom. She thought she'd wash her face first. She turned on the water from the sink and let the water warm up. She looked up at the mirror and she scared herself.

"What the..." She had blood on her face. She froze for a bit just looking at herself. Her nose had been bleeding during the night. She walked to her bed and saw her pillow was full of it. It was her blood but she still thought it was nasty. It wasn't a lot, but it got on the pillow and it had dried on her face. At least this time she didn't faint.

She didn't have time to clean it up so she just washed up. She did it carefully because she was afraid if she hurt her nose it would start bleeding again. People were probably going to think she got punched in the face. It was badly brused. She thought of putting a bandaid but it was too big of a bruise to cover it up and it hurt every time she touched it.

Make-up wouldn't work either. She wood just have to deal with it. She finished getting ready, grabbed her backpack, and went downstairs. To her surprise Jessica was there. She didn't seem to be in a bad mood. That was good.

"How are you feeling?" Jessica a asked concerned.

"I feel a bit light headed." Krystal said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you." Jessica said with an apologetic expression on her face.

"It's okay. Its not like you knew I was there." Krystal said with a slight smile to reassure her it was okay.

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