Chapter 10: Distance

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(Still Krystal's POV)

I don't think Jessica saw Taeyeon with me since she didn't ask about her or anything. I knew Taeyeon wouldn't talk to me anymore. What made it even more sad was the fact that I didn't even say goodbye to her. I was mad, but not at Taeyeon...I was mad at Jessica. All this was because of her.

It may sound like a dumb thing to be mad about, but Taeyeon was the closest thing I had to a friend. Now I'm back to zero. It also made me think that if Taeyeon really wanted to be my friend then she wouldn't have listened to what Jessica told her, right? It didn't matter anyway; I should just forget about it.

Weeks passed without talking to Taeyeon and the weather was getting colder. By this time, I didn't bother making any friends. I thought that just focusing on school would keep me busy. Jessica would be busy with her things, but there were a few times where she would ask me to hang out with her. I'd decline the offer though; I didn't want to deal with awkwardness and I didn't have anything to talk about with her anyway. My birthday passed a few days ago and Jessica, my dad, and I just made a little dinner at home and that was it. I was used to not making my birthday a big deal. My mom even sent a card saying happy birthday, but that's all it said. I was expecting more, but who am I kidding? I knew she wouldn't ask how I was doing.

The good thing was that my bruise was finally gone. Since my dad would usually come home late, by the time he took the chance to see if I was okay, my bruise was better. He knew what had happened, but since I was always stuck in my room he wasn't able to see how bad my injury was. Thanks to what Taeyeon had given me the last time we talked really helped. I also didn't ask Jessica why she had slapped Taeyeon since I believed what Taeyeon had told me. My questions had been answered, so I had nothing else to ask.

My everyday schedule was usually the same. I'd get up for school, get through my classes, stay after school to finish work, and then I'd go home. I didn't do much during the weekends. So basically every day was boring for me. In school, Taeyeon acted the same. The only difference was she acted like she didn't know me. She wouldn't even say hi to me anymore, so during school, I'd try to avoid her as much as I could. The only person I still talked to once in a while was Kevin. I'd see L around, but we'd just say hi to each other. He always made things awkward for some reason.

Taeyeon and I didn't even talk for that long and I got attached really easily. It made me a bit angry that Taeyeon could just move on so easily and here I was still trying to get over it. It was like I was trying to get over a relationship that never even happened. Also by this time I had gotten used to my surroundings. I didn't get lost in school anymore and the distance from my house to the school wasn't very far either, so I was able to walk to school and back. Since I walked to school this meant I didn't need Jessica to drive me anymore. The downside was that this meant Jessica and I weren't making any progress in getting closer to each other.

(End of POV)

Today was another day of the same routine for her. Krystal was eating breakfast and browsing through her phone. Jessica came down soon after.

"Hey." Jessica said. They still weren't close to each other, but Jessica would still talk to Krystal even if it was a simple hey every day.

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