Doppled in Gray [chapter three]

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First of all, I want to thank all of you guys for reading and voting and fanning. It means so much to me that you like my writing. When I got on to wattpad and saw myself of the home screen I had a little heart attack lol. I have a screen picture of it now lol.

Second, you should all know that this might be the wierdest chapter I have ever written out of everything I've ever written (and yes there is a sex scene in this chapter but I can almost promise you it won't be like anything you've ever read before). I tried to make it different but I might have gone overboard... Anyways, tell me what you think by commenting and vote and fan if you like it.

Love, Sarah Westen

PS: ET by Katy Perry was what kept me writing this until two in the morning. hehehe, listen if you like :)



Amber is right. Ten people try to leave that night. We all see their bodies at the front of City Hall the next morning, they leave a putrid stench that will never leave our minds. After that, only rumors escape. 

The months drag by like the various vegetables I have to carry to the cleaning center. And with the help of my armex I learn more about Original life. They used to have great feats of architecture. Buildings that curved, were shaped like animals. Places that meant something. Now the buildings only go one way, up. I learn how to describe where I used to live to others in ways they will understand.

Our city hall looked like a smaller version of the Taj Mahal. Our houses all looked Victorian with modern interiors. We had a hot climate, which was why the ground was always so dusty and desert like. But it was only the scientists' imagination. There never was a place like that. No matter how much I can wish for it, I can never go back. 

I also learn why I have to carry the wretched vegetables that let my mind wander to unknown lengths everyday. I remember the day I snap. 

“Why do we have to carry these stupid things anyway? What do the Originals even do with them?” I ask sharply to a superior, letting the box of onions hit the ground with a loud thud.

“You have to carry them because we say so, get back to work.” He picks the onions up and plops them back into my hands. 

“Not until I know why.”

He grimaced back at me and stopped a young boy carrying cleaned carrots to the next station. He took a carrot and ordered the boy to get another one. The superior took a bite.

“Their nutritious, good for you. This is what the Originals use for food.”

I squirmed under his gaze when he chewed and swallowed. 

“Why don't they just use sun, like normal people.”

He laughed a cold, wretched laugh. 

“Because sun is for the poor. Now get going. You don't have all day.”

I get a better grip and run. But no matter how fast I go, no matter how many vegetables I carry, I can never outrun my hopelessness.

That night Amber tries to cheer me off with a new app.

“What is it?” I ask while downloading it onto my armex. 

He’s lounging in a chair eating a carrot that I guess he stole. He offers a bite to me but the thought of eating such a birght color isn’t very appealing. 

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