Doppled in Gray [chapter twenty-three]

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Pher, the name I now know he calls himself by, is sitting in a chair in the living room, looking very scared. From the opposite seat, I reach out to cold his hand while I spot Haran rubbing his temple, walking around the room in circles.
“Now tell me what happened again, Pher. Once you were in Metro,” He says.
“They tried to brainwash me, tell me that I was only Christopher, my original. But my memories just got stronger. I feel as though Christopher is barely even in my brain. I remember him, and I know what happened, but he just isn’t actively there. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore so I started to pretend that I agreed with them. I was discharged a week and a half ago and since then I’ve been looking for Daze.” Pher looks at me with a protective expression on his face and points to Haran. “Is this your boyfriend?”
“What does that have to do with anything?” I wring my hands together and watch Pher smirk, probably guessing that he has thought right.
“I’m your brother. I deserve to know. And if he is, he’s better than Amber.”
“You don’t like him either?” Haran asked. He stops in the middle of the room and turns to us, a smile beginning to play at his lips.
“Never did. He’s all brains and machines, but no metal. Too much of a child.”
“That’s what I said!”
“Stop it,” I say. “This isn’t about what you two find wrong with Amber.”
“You’re right, Daze. There is a reason that I came to find you.” He wrings his hands together in the same way that I do, obviously a trait we have gotten from each other.
Haran leans closer to Pher. “And what reason is that?”
“NOIDD. There is supposed to be an ambush of the building.”
My heart stops. “When?” I ask.
Pher’s brow furrows as he starts to press buttons on his armex, a calendar popping up. His eyes widen when he looks at me.
Wind whips around the locks of my hair, revealing a bit of green roots as I sprint towards the NOIDD building. There are helicopters everywhere, people shooting at the sky with such raw  fear in their eyes I doubt they can move. Pher and Amber were still inside, I am about to find them when the first bomb goes off.
I fly backwards, choking on air when my back collides with the hot dusty pavement. I manage to scramble up, and someone thrusts a gun in my hand.
“An ancient text once said, ‘Do not go gentle into that good night’ I believe this is our time to do just that.”

I nod and tilt my firearm towards the sky. Slowly backing up until I can take cover. A flash of light is in the sky and a heavy rain of bullets come down. As a bullet slices across my body, and I stumble back watching others fall to the ground in the same moment I do. I crouch into fetal position and hold my gun close to me, ready to shoot in case any enemies come down. Hands are felt sliding underneath my shoulders and hip, cradling me like a small child. I turn to face my savior to see my big brother’s face covered in lines of worry and anxiety, and he is closely followed by Haran with a mirroring look on his face.

In the next moment, we are all in the Beam-R flying away. My head lolls toward the back window and I see a fleet of hoverships darkening the sky. Rockets fly through the sky exploding on enemy ships, and black smoke begins to swim through the blue sky.

“How did you manage to make it out?” I whisper. “I saw the bombs.”
“It was Ellery. She covered her body with the main bomb but their were others. I doubt there will still be a such thing as NOIDD in the morning, Daze.”

We stop and Pher reaches to scoop me up. Haran raises a hand to let Pher know he has me and then picks me up taking me up to his condo with Pher by his side. The door opens for us along with an automatic electronic greeting. Pher stops and sits down on the ground after the door closes and puts his head in his hands.

“I’m going to clean her up,” Haran says. Pher doesn’t answer, so Haran just carries me to the bathroom. He sets be down carefully on the ground of the shower.
“This is going to hurt like a bitch, okay. It’s not a deep wound but it’s not in a very good place.”
I tuck my chin into my chest and eye my wound warily. Although it isn’t gushing blood, making me think I could die at this second, I still tremble from seeing the inside of my flesh, but Haran kisses me on the forehead reassuringly.

Slowly he peels off my thin jumpsuit that I was wearing, making sure I don't scream as the clothing rips any chance of healing that I had off. Tears linger in my eyes and I arch my back, trying to withhold the pain. Finally the piece of clothing is off and I am left in underwear that doesn’t cover very much at all. I look back to my wound and it mirrors my eyes, liquid slowly seeping through as the pain surmounts.

The water turns on by itself, sensing the dirtiness that is my blood collecting on the ground, and Haran curses as his hair starts to soak under the warm shower, every drop that lands on my bullet scratch screams out for attention. Instead of allowing it, I grit my teeth.

“Help me up,” I whisper.

Haran complies but holds most of my weight. I kiss his collarbone as a means of distracting him but it doesn’t work for long enough to keep myself on my feet. He catches me before I fall back to the ground. Haran shakes his head at me and then moves to get a better look at my wound. He nods to himself and then moves me in a way that I am taking the most of the water from the shower. I hiss from the sting, but I let Haran hold me in place from behind as I take in the sting from the water.

“Am I so unattractive that you don’t even bother with me in the shower anymore? I must say I’m offended, Haran.”
“You just had to go get injured, didn’t you?” Haran muses quietly in my ear. With voice command he turns the shower off and makes me sit, worrying my legs may give out from loss of blood. He is only gone for a moment and Haran returns with a tiny vial of clear liquid and a pristine syringe still covered in plastic. He flicks the vial with his opposite hand.
“Doctors use it on Original patients to heal cuts made from cosmetic surgery. You should be fine in a couple hours after a shot of this.”
With a prick in the crease of my forearm the medicine is in my bloodstream, and a minute later I am giggling at him.
“You’re soaking wet, Haran.”
“That reminds me, it also has an anesthetic in the shot so you might be feeling a little odd for a couple hours.”
My eyes go wide and I smile sweetly. “Want to know what would make me feel better?”
“Of course.”
“Take your clothes off,” I say, giggling like a little girl once more.

Now feeling quite well, and very undeniable, I stumble into Haran’s arms, and as he catches me, whisper something very dirty into his ear. The beginning of a smirk and a smooth reply comes to his lips, but before a sound comes out, Haran, once again, remembering my brother and closes his mouth twice as quickly as it opened.

“I think we should get you to bed,” Haran says sheepishly.
Once I am on his bed laughing quietly to myself for no reason at all, in no time at all I am staring at him expectantly.
“What?” he asks me with a half smile.
“You are still all wet,” I reply with a laugh.

Haran unzips his suit and slips out of it, walking toward his closet to get a new one. As he opens the closet doors I smoothly duck under his arms and look expectantly at him. My hand lingers for a moment in the air before I inch closer, slowly drawing circles with my index finger on his smooth tan chest. The suit falls out of his hand and turns to a puddle-like heap of fabric on the floor.

“You’re being very unfair,” I whisper patronizingly at him, pouting for a moment.
He chuckles. “I believe you aren’t very sure what unfair means at this point.”
I sit on the bed pouting as he gets dressed.
“You know, you were right, its all gone now.”
Haran looks at the wall facing the doors as the whole room becomes a deep navy. But even without the walls I can feel the distress coming in waves off of his body.
“I can find superior work in the morning, this condo still has a mortgage to be paid.”
“But what about what we believe in? Just because we got ahead doesn’t mean we won this thing, Haran.”
“I care about us more than I care about the Dopplegangers. Call me selfish if you want, but we aren’t just going to survive any more. We’re going to live.”
I hear Pher’s yell and we both jump into action. Two steps are taken and immediately we are surrounded by agents. Haran takes out his pistol and pulls the trigger, it is shot out of hard and he is shot directly in the chest with a laser gun. I kick and start to run but I am immediately shot in the back of the head.
“There’s never just one plan Daze, I thought captain would have told you that.” I swallowed hard and flinched from the splintering glass and Amber’s voice as I am thrown out the window.

A/N (First one in a long time too!): Sorry about not really being around for a while. I mean I have been, but I haven't been writing I've just been creeping really. I'm going to try to finish DiG by the end of October, which shouldn't be hard since I have a week-long break that I am not afraid to devote to just writing. After that I'll be posting a new wattpad work or two and also be working on a novel that I sincerely want to get pubbed. There's a ton I still want to do on wattpad so don't think I'm going anywhere. Oh and did you know that my watty anniversary is commig up. Mid-October people and I'll have been here for 5 years.

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