Doppled in Gray [chapter twenty-one]

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‭The walls glow navy blue as Haran’s thumb makes it way up and down my spine, keeping me in a relaxed state.

‭“You were very tense today,” I remark while staring at the swirling blue walls.The colors reflect my calm but the swirling almost sea-green reflect that Haran is in a much more excitable state.

‭“I was,” Haran agrees slowly before changing the subject. “How do you know Amber, Daze?”

‭“He was my best friend from the first day I remember until the day I left the encampment.”

‭“Just your friend?”

‭My mind drifts to the night with the purple pill but I push it down before the wall can change colors. My least favorite thing about Haran’s room. The mood sensing walls can make conversations absolutely transparent.

‭“Yes,” I lie, reassuring myself that the night really was just drug induced.

‭I try to forget General Bramwell telling me that the pill only emphasized the feelings that were already there. I try to forget Amber altogether for a moment. Haran’s lips touch my shoulder blade and I shudder in delight as a small smile creeps onto my lips. Everything else blurs in comparison.

“I suppose he isn’t that bad of a kid.”

I turn so I am facing him and laugh. “Amber’s only weeks younger than I am.”

His eyes stare deeply into mine and my heart flutters at the intensity of his gaze. When our fingertips touch a tiny content smile flashes across my face but disappears just as fast when I see the sincerity in his.

“Daze, a man isn’t made from his age. We don’t have the freedom of slow growth these days. The moment you can step up to the plate and do whatever it takes to protect the things you love, and are able to so it bravely, is the day a person becomes an adult. Amber is still to naive. If he’s lucky, he will grow up quickly.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“Then I will enjoy torturing him in training in the meantime.”

I sit up a bit in bed, rubbing my eyes and pushing my hair back. I look at my suit that is thrown carelessly on the ground, the exact time ticking away in a hologram, clear as day. After blinking out of sheer disbelief, I groan loudly and turn to Haran who is already walking to the bathroom, probably about to take a shower. I let myself collapse back in bed in a heap, hating that it is already time to get ready to go back to NOIDD for work, whatever that may be contrived of.

“What do you mean by training, Haran?” I ask, now very suspicious.

“I got a call from Captain after we were off the ship last night. Apparently there are tons of people from the encampment wanting to become trained soldiers. Captain decided that it wasn’t a half bad idea since the raid was already all over the news and gave a bunch of the agents jobs to help train the new recruits. Including you.”

I bury my head into my pillow wanting to scream. The last thing I want to do right now is train others, but I know that I must follow orders so I stretch out my muscles, trying to get accustomed to the day ahead.

‭As soon as my body comes into contact with the suit, it molds to my skin and yet is light as a feather on my body. I zip the zipper up all the way to my neck, but I am thwarted by Haran, all too quick to zip it down so my cleavage barely peeks out. It isn’t overly revealing, but any extra flesh showing when it shouldn’t sets me on edge. I frown at Haran’s easy smirk when I follow him out the condo, all the while tying my hair into a sleek ponytail.

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