Doppled in Gray [chapter seven]

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I try my best to look unfazed by his comment but he can see the fear seep through my eyes from a mile away. I blink the fear away and try to look incredulously at him before speaking.

“Are you insane? I’m not a Doppelganger! In fact, I’m insulted you would even consider it.”

He grabs the from of my collar and pulls it down, ripping the fabric to the end of my sternum. Luckily the tear is thin so it does not reveal my bust. I stare at him in angered shock while he rubs the fabric between his fingers and then pulls out a thin sheet of metal only about a square inch. He then looks at me with a satisfied smirk.

“Just as I guessed, a tracker. So tell me little dopplegirl, where are you from?”

I look at him for only a moment, feigning innocence before trying to run. But I am too tired and he is too fast. The boy grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to his chest.

“If you decide to tell me where you’re from I may simply decide not to turn you in to the Superiors. But I’m afraid that if you say nothing I will have to promise that you will wake up an hour from now at their main office. Your choice, but I strongly encourage the first option.”
“I don’t know,” I reply with my voice shaking like a leaf.

He spins me around so I am facing him and then truly looks at me for the first time. His eyes are lighter than I first expected, not even brown. They are golden, obviously fake, but fitting for him. The smirk that was there a little while ago is now replaced by a frustrated frown, accompanied by him chewing on the inside of his own left cheek.

“Can you give me a name of a leader, someone high up, anyone?”
I nod trying to hold back my tears. Less than ten minutes here and I had already given up.
“General Bramwell.”
“The General Bramwell? Of the Bramwell encampment?”
I shrug. He grabs my hand and starts hauling me out of the alley. His steps are large and far apart and the more nervous he gets the more he starts to hover. It is not long until I am jogging so he will not drag me along.
“Where are you going?” I yell at him above the crowd of people that are still going by hasty as ever.
“General Bramwell is one of the people my company has been looking for, for weeks. He’s planning bad shit dopplegirl, shit you don’t want to be involved in.” The boy goes faster and higher until I yell for him to slow down. Then without even looking at me he throws me over his shoulder and flies above the crowds, twenties stories up in the air with me screaming all the while. He covers my mouth before he speaks.
“I’m dropping you off at my condo. You can stay there for the night until I can figure what to do with you.”
“What to do with me? I can take care of my self, thank you very much. I was more than capable to get here.”
“Yeah, you got to the most Superior infested city in all of the United States. If I hadn’t found you, you would be dead by now.”
I frown at him severely, causing him to chuckle.
“Is that right? And who the hell are you to be saving random women at night,” I say, my voice laced with venom.
He smiles a perfectly white smile.
“Draksa Haran Zabato. But I go by Haran. And who are you dopplegirl?”
“Daze, just Daze,” I reply making sure a smile doesn’t come to my lips. He may be helping me but he by no means deserves my kindness.

Haran flies up higher and higher until I can no longer see the ground and then throws me off his shoulder. I immediately let out a frightened shriek but when I look down again I notice how on the left side of me is a balcony-looking place. It is very large and he manages to let me fall a few feet while he lands gracefully. I scowl but dust myself off before getting up, totally ignore the helping hand he offers me.

All around me are different machines, some only four feet high and seven feet long, some twenty times that. I am about to touch a smaller one when Haran slaps my hand away.
“What are these?” I ask and motion to all the things around me.
“The smaller ones are Beam-Rs and the large ones are commercial hoverships. Both high above your pay grade; which happens to be nothing.”

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