Doppled in Gray [chapter seventeen]

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I slowly zip the top half of my red hoversuit up,‭ ‬and then smooth out the imaginary wrinkles out of habit.‭ ‬A hologram telling me of the weather,‭ ‬news, and anything else that could possibly be important,‭ ‬shines brightly from my armex as I eat a protein-filled breakfast as prescribed by both my armex and Haran’s condo.‭ ‬Eating is still a relatively new concept for me and there are many things that I do not like,‭ ‬but starting today I have a new favorite food, and it’s name is bacon.‭ ‬I chew on the perfectly crisp piece of fried meaty goodness as I watch Haran’s half naked body come through the door.‭ ‬After everything that had happened the night before, I still can’t get past the shade of his skin,‭ ‬the tone of his body,‭ ‬how we are like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.‭ 

He kisses my jaw sweetly,‭ ‬like I have always been here waiting for him,‭ ‬and then steals a piece of my bacon with a sly grin.‭ 

“Hey‭! ‬I actually like that,‭” ‬I protest feebly.

‭“It’s bacon. Everyone likes it.” 

After swallowing the small bite he takes,‭ ‬his lips brush against mine and I almost shiver against the wave of recollection from the past night.‭ I think of h‬is gentle yet passionate touch that I never would have believed would be in his character.‭ ‬The never-ending trail of kisses.‭ ‬His habit of teasing me to no end before finally-

‭“We are supposed to be on a transport to Metro in fifteen minutes. You can stop thinking about sex and put the professional thinker’s cap on,” he says with a smirk. 

I scowl,‭ ‬thoroughly shaken out of my thoughts,‭ ‬and follow him to the Beam-R.‭ 

“I wasn’t thinking about sex,‭” ‬I mutter as we fly off the parking balcony and off into the airways of New Washington.‭ ‬I lean into the comfortable Beam-R’s seats that are black as a ravens wing and sigh heavily.‭ 

He smirks at me,‭ ‬making my cheeks blaze,‭ ‬and I cross my arms defensively in return.‭ 

“Well,‭ ‬I was pretty spectacular,‭” ‬he muses.‭

“‬Mission to Metro,‭ ‬remember‭? ‬Why don’t we keep our conversation at that‭?”

‬He answers with a shrug and we fly down into the field of teleporters.‭ ‬Unlike the place that I escaped from,‭ ‬this place isn’t dusty at all.‭ ‬All the mechanical transporters line up in perfect rows all shining brightly like they have just been cleaned all at once.‭ ‬The air is heavy and warm and heats my lungs with an amazed appreciation.‭ ‬My weight shifts from side to side in excitement and I look to see Haran sliding out of the Beam-R and out into the hot weather.‭ ‬He opens the other side of the Beam-R,‭ ‬helping me out and then guiding me two four other agents all with slightly different expressions on their faces.‭ 

The one that I notice first is murmuring into their armex quickly and almost silent.‭ ‬He has dark curly brown hair and pale skin with freckles spattered across the bridge of his nose.‭ ‬He itches his five o’clock shadow thoughtfully before looking to the person who was almost his complete opposite.‭ ‬The person who I assumed to be his partner was short but the disposition that radiated out from his made it seem seem like he was well over six feet tall.‭ ‬He had rough features and his spiked green hair was definitely natural but he moved with such as assured grace it seemed like all the other agents were just children compared to him.‭ 

The shorter man was the one to notice us first.‭ ‬His stride was wide and comfortable‭; ‬he gave me a lazy smile before holding out his hand.‭ ‬I take it halfheartedly and smile in return.

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