I am Here

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Hiro's P.O.V

I woke up to see (y/n) staring out the window. "What are you doing up?" I asked. She turned her head and smiled.

"Nice bed hair." She said laughing. I roles my eyes and combed my hair with my fingers. "That's better." She said.

She began making her way to me when she tripped and fell. I probably left megabot out again. I got out of bed to help her but froze when I saw what she tripped on. My helmet. Shoot I am screwed. "Um Hiro, what is this?" She asked.

"I um... Okay no point in hiding it." I confess... Here goes nothing.

(Y/n) P.O.V

"What is this?" I asked. It was a purple helmet with red streaks.

"I um... Okay no point in hiding it." He started. "Me, baymax and the gang are a group of superheroes. That's also the reason why I designed them some weapons, the hand bag I made for honey and the other mascot suit I made for Fred are some examples." I shrugged.

"what? Seriously? You aren't pulling my leg?" I asked dumbstruck.

"Yep. If you want proof we can show you." He said now grinning.

"Sure." I said casually.

"Ow." Hiro said. Baymax inflated and walked over.

"Hello Hiro and (y/n). What's the problem?" He asked in his monotone voice.

"Nothing baymax, contact the gang and tell them to suit up and meet at the park." Hiro said.

"Your friends have been contacted, GoGo also left a voice message. Would you like to hear it?" He asked.

"Uh sure." Hiro said as he found some black clothes.

"Hey Hiro, is this training,
emergency or are you finally listening to my advise for once?" GoGo's voice said.

"Uh tell her a bit of training and I am listening to her advice." Hiro said to baymax. "Okay, just give me a second." Hiro said and he ran to the bathroom.

"Let's see what he's got." I said to no one in particular. A few minutes later he came out in a black, purple and a bit of red armour.

"Now to put on Baymax's." He said as he stuffed baymax down the stairs to their garage.

"Wow, neat lab." I complimented.

"Thanks." He said as he dragged pieces of red armour shell. "Come here baymax." He said and started shoving armour on him. After a while he was finished.

"Woah! You look sick!" I said.

"I can not be sick, I am a robot." Baymax stated. I laughed.

"It's just an expression." Hiro assured him. We walked to the park where we saw the others.

"Wow." I said. Honey Lemon was wearing pink and purple armour and she had her chemical purse, Fred was in a monster costume which was blue and orange, wasabi was in a green suit and he had lazer gloves and GoGo was in yellow and had mag lev disks on her wrists and ankles.

"So now do you believe me?" Hiro asked.

"Well duh! You guys are so awesome!" I screamed.

"(Y/n) should totally join us! Hiro make her a suit!" Fred yelled.

"What? Me join you guys? Nah am good." I said.

"No! Please join us!" Honey Lemon begged.

"Please?!" Fred begged literally on his knees.

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