Questions and Answers

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"Baymax?" The man asked. Baymax waved his hand.

"Hello." He paused then said. "Tadashi." My eyes widened.

"You are Tadashi Hamada? Brother of Hiro Hamada and nephew of Aunt Cass?" I asked hoping it was a yes. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Um yeah that's me. How do you know me and my family and how did you get ahold of baymax?" He asked.

"It's a long story... I have a question before I answer anything else, why did you not return home?" I asked. Tadashi sighed.

"I was in a coma for a few months and when I finally snapped out of it I didn't think they needed me." He admitted.

"Tadashi, of course they want you!" I reply.

"May I ask why my robot is in red armour and you yourself is in armour as well?" He asked. Great... A question I was hoping that I wouldn't have to answer.

"Okay so while in your coma... Professor Callahan stole Hiro's invention and tried to destroy krie tech... He was the one who started the fire... Speaking of which how did you escape?" I asked.

"I don't know myself... I saw Callahan put on Hiro's microbots and suddenly I was lifted up and thrown out of the building before it exploded... I was knocked into a coma and then I woke up. Also you didn't explain why you to are wearing armour." He said.

"Oh wow... Well long story short. Your brother and the gang, baymax, Honey Lemon, GoGo, Fred and wasabi made super suits and defeated professor Callahan who is currently spending 30 years in prison. As for me, Hiro met me one day as I was street performing and we became friends.. Also I uh... Kinda moved in with u guys as I was homeless..." I say.

"So wait.. You live with us? And my brother an the gang saved san Fransokyo... WAIT WHAT!?" He yelled.

"Calm down!!! They are fine... The gang is waiting for us and then we will return back home. Hiro doesn't know you exist though... He still thinks... Ya know... Your dead." I say half heartedly.

"Okay... I feel bad for leaving everyone." Tadashi admitted.

"Hey don't be... Your alive and that is the main thing." I say. We began to walk to the elevator when we saw a pile of rope, a stone prison, Skid marks supposedly from GoGo's mag lev disks, burn marks and a chem ball prison.

"What in the world?" Tadashi asked shocked.

"It looks like the gang was here. Baymax contact them and say we have incredibly exciting good news." I told the robot. We walked into the elevator when Tadashi taped my shoulder.

"Can I at least see your face? I mean... Your helmet is covering it and I would like to see who I am talking to." He asked. I took off my helmet and turned to him smiling.

"There you go. But I have to keep it on as it is to hide my identity." I say as I shove it back on. The elevator door opened and I saw the gang.

"Did you find Tadashi!?!" Honey Lemon squealed.

"You bet." I say grinning like an idiot as he walked forward.

"TADASHI!" They all yelled and hugged him.

"Professor Callahan used the microbots to throw him out of the building before it exploded." I say immediately.

"Wow... Wait till aunt Cass and Hiro sees you!" Fred exclaimed.

"Aunt Cass." I say.

"Huh?" Asked wasabi.

"Wait until aunt Cass sees him. I need to talk to Hiro before he sees him." I correct them.

"Oh okay. Come one guys! Let's get out of here and on the way back we can explain in full detail what happened while you were gone!" Fred bounced. We all climbed on baymax. It was a tight squeeze but we all fit.

"Why are we on baymax?" Tadashi asked.

"Baymax, wings!" I say.

"Wait... How the hell did my brother do this? Aaah!" Tadashi yelled as we took off.
We flew to the lucky cat cafe and I jumped off first.

"Hey aunt Cass!" I yell.

"Hey (y/n)!" She says.

"Do you have a minute?" I ask.

"Of course!" She says and follows after me.

Aunt Cass'a P.O.V

I followed (y/n) outside and stopped in my tracks.

"T-Tadashi?" I squeaked. He nodded and hugged me.

"Oh my gosh! You are alive! Wait till Hiro finds out!!!" I start crying.

"Speaking of Hiro, is he still in our room?" (Y/n) asked me.

"Yep! Oh my gosh Tadashi!" I scream.

Hiro's P.O.V

(Y/n) walked up the stairs and tapped my shoulder. I spun around and she hugged me. "Woah what!?" I asked as my face started to heat up.

"I have a surprise for you, I am not sure how your going to react to it but I hope it's positive whatever happens." She said to me. I looked at her confused.

"Just promise you won't be mad as I am bring your awful past back." She says to me.

"Of course I won't... will you finally tell me why you were in your armour as well?" I ask bracing myself for the worst. It was probably something bad like Tadashi... Oh gee I hope nothing bad about Tadashi!

"That's part of the surprise." She says grinning. She walked behind me and put her hands over my eyes.

"What the?" I asked.

"Oh surprise! You can come in now!" She yelled. I could feel her hands shaking in nervousness. I heard foosteps come up the stairs and stop near me.

"What's going on?" I asked her. She giggled.

"Something." She replied. "Ready?" She asked me.

"Yeah I guess so." I say.

"One... Two... Three!" She counted down and slowly removed her shaking hands. I saw GoGo, Honey Lemon, Fred, wasabi and Baymax surrounding someone. When I finally studied the person in the middle of the gang, my mouth dropped and tears formed in my eyes.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked as tears pour out.

"Nope." (Y/n) replied smiling.

"T-t-ta-tad-Tadashi?" The person nodded his head.


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