Puzzle Pieces

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I woke up early and got out of bed. In a couple of months, school would start again and the gang and I would all be going to s.f.i.t.

I turned and saw Hiro was still asleep. I decided to go downstairs but before I could a slipped on Hiro's helmet again.

"Aah!" I yelled and hit the ground. I must have been loud as Hiro woke up.

"WHAAa?! Oh! It's just you (y/n). Whoops must have left my helmet again. Your okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I replied picking myself off the ground.

"I heard a sound of distress, what seems to be the problem?" Baymax waddled over.

"Oh nothing Baymax we are good." I said quickly.

"That's good." He replied. "Hiro, my sources tell me that some new people have come to San Fransokyo. Would you like me to do a whole city scan to keep up to date with everyone's personal health are needs?" He asked.

"Uh sure baymax, let's just grab your helmet so you can do that... I am sure I put it somewhere."Hiro said looking under the bed.

"Have you looked under my bed?" I suggested to him.

"Good idea." Hiro replied and dove under my bed. A few minutes later he came out holding baymax' s red helmet. "I wonder how it got under your bed."

"Probably got knocked over and rolled under." I guessed.

"Yeah, probably." Hiro agreed. Baymax waddled over to us and Hiro put on the helmet with great difficulty as baymax was at least two heads taller than Hiro.

"Scanning city." Baymax notified us. "Scan complete." He said. "I have found a match of the same blood type and similar DNA to Hiro."

"What?" That's not possible, I have no other family left apart from Aunt Cass." Hiro admitted. "Let me check your helmet... It's probably malfunctioning."

"My scanner is not damaged. It is functional." Baymax said.

"Did you get a virus? Oh man! Baymax! I told you not to download to many things!" Hiro said.

"I can fix him. And probably instal an antivirus at the time. Come on baymax." I signalled for him to follow but he stayed put.

"Tadashi is here." He said.

"What?" Hiro and I asked simultaneously.

"Tadashi is here." He repeated.

"No baymax, tadashi is not here, he is gone." Hiro said sadly.

"Tadashi is here." Baymax said.

"Come on baymax, let's go to the garage to fix you and you can uh... Tell me about tadashi." I said as I pulled him to the garage. I checked his monitors and found that he was telling the truth, his scanner was working and he wasn't malfunctioning. Baymax had no viruses but I put an anti viruses as backup. "Baymax, tadashi is dead." I told the robot.

"Tadashi is here (y/n)," baymax said.

"In our hearts yes... I know you must feel sa- but you can't feel..." I relised.

"Of course not, I am a robot." Baymax said.

"When I first met you, you said the same thing... Tadashi is here.. But you are a robot and robots can't feel... Let alone understand sarcasm. Wait till Hiro finds out! It will blow his mind!" I said.

"I do not think it will be wise to tell him if his head is going to blow up." Baymax suggested.

"Exactly my point! That was sarcasm baymax! That proves one thing, tadashi could be alive! ...that person you said that had some relation to Hiro could be him!!! Oh goodness... But we can't tell Hiro... He won't believe us... We will need to find him our self. You in baymax?" I asked the robot.

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