With You Right Here

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(Y/n) P.O.V

A few days after my first flight, my feelings to hiro started to develop.
I just didn't know what to do!

I turned to face the small flyer of the student show case that Hiro gave me the other day. I was hoping to get into s.f.i.t but my brain has been empty of ideas.

"Hiro! Help me!" I complained as my head banged against his desk.

"I don't know! Think!" He said.

"Soo helpful." I replied.

"Do something to trigger your mind, look for a new angle, take a break." He suggested.

"Look for a new angle?" I asked.

"Well yeah. That's what Tadashi always said. Look at the problem from a new angle." Hiro explained.

"Look for a new angle huh... I think I have an idea." I said.

//////////////time skip//////////////

I had just finished my project. After weeks of locking myself in Hiro's garage I had finished it. Hiro would always try to take a peek but I always shooed him away telling him it was a surprise. Finally I revealed my big surprise to the gang.

"Guys, this is the human DNA processor. Aka hdp! It has records of every single living and dead human being that ever existed. It can scan a body and explain what caused harm if harm is done and it can tell who or what created the impact!" I stated.

"Wow that's so cool!" GoGo remarked.

"Love the colour! Creamy yellow is awesome! And the shape is like a giant egg with a screen! So cool!" Honey lemon complimented.

"And best of all, it is tidy... Not to many buttons." Wasabi added.

"You know what it reminds me of? One of those tiny glass balls with those string a of red and blue and yellow inside!" Fred said.

"That's a marble Fred." GoGo reminded him.

"What do you think Hiro?" Honey Lemon asked.

I turned to face Hiro who was staring at me.

"Hey Hiro!? Stop dreaming about (y/n) and snap out of it!" Fred yelled, waving his hands.

"Yes (y/n)!? Oh I mean ...wait what!? What happened Fred?" Hiro asked. Everyone laughed including me at his outburst.

"Firstly you were staring at (y/n), secondly you called me (y/n) and thirdly stop dreaming about (y/n)!" Fred said.

"Not my fault if I dream about her! Oh wait I mean if I dream about her being in big hero 6 and getting hurt! Nightmares aren't nice you know." Hiro said trying to cover up his mistake.

Hiro's P.O.V

That was to close. I can not let anyone know that I like (y/n), well not yet anyways.

We walked to s.f.i.t. So that (y/n) could give her presentation and hopefully get admitted into the school.

"This machine can also find out what or who created impact on the body." She rambled on about her hdp. I got lost in her pretty face. She was pretty yes but she was also kind and gentle and smart.

After she finished the new professor of the school came over to us and inspected (y/n) invention.

"Clever, very clever miss (l/n)" the professor said.

"Thanks" (y/n) replied smiling.

"I hope this place isn't to far from your home because guess what? You just got accepted!" He said handing her an envelope.

"Oh my gummy bears!!! Yay!" She shrieked and jumped around.

"I didn't know you liked gummy bears." I said.

"Huh? Oh yeah of course I do!" She said. "I am going to the same institute as you guys now!" She ran and hugged me. My finger were hurting from how hard I was crossing them praying my cheeks were not red.

"congrats, let's go to the cafe to celebrate!" I said. We walked back to the cafe and aunt Cass exploded (y/n) with hugs and foods.

"Wow, can't wait to start going to the institute!" (Y/n) said.

"It's a really cool place but it's gonna be a whole lot more cooler with you around!" Fred exclaimed.

"Calm down Fred." GoGo said. "You are probably more excited than she is herself!"

(Y/n) P.O.V

After everyone left I went back up to Hiro's and my room. I sat on my bed and thought about the school. I was worried that I didn't fit in.

"Hey (y/n)! You okay?" Hiro asked.

"What!? Oh yeah I am just a bit nervous about school and everything." I admitted. He sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder causing me to blush a little.

"Hey, your going to do great things with a brain like yours, don't doubt yourself to much." Hiro comforted me.

"Thanks Hiro." I said.

"No problem." He replied. After a minute of awkward silence I finally broke it.

"Can I ask you two questions?" I asked him.

"Well, you asked me one just now so I guess you can only ask one more." He chuckled.

"I know, I only said two so that I could ask a question. If I said one then I would not be able to ask anything." I replied laughing.

"So what is it?" He asked.

"Why do you care about me? Shouldn't you be out with some of your other friends? I am sure there are better people than a girl who was homeless to hang out with. I am grateful for everything but you don't need to be with me if you don't want to." I ask. He sighed and started to speak.

"You need to stop doubting yourself once again, you are a really cool person to hang with and honestly I enjoy spending time with you! Like I am being serious here, I have the gang and Baymax and sure they helped me get over depression and Tadashi but I feel like you sort of helped the other half of me that was still a little grabby and holding on to the negative stuff. So I guess thank you." He said.

"I really did that?" I asked shocked. I never knew I was that special to anyone.

"Well yeah. Also you know that i am always with you right? I got your back and support anything you do. I think you just need some encouragement to help you." Hiro said.

"Thanks Hiro. Really. You help me a lot." I replied.

Hiro's P.O.V

"Thanks Hiro. Really. You help me a lot." (Y/n) said. My heart started to beat faster. I could tell her I like her now or wait... I decided to wait. The right moment would come when necessary.

"No problem (y/n). And you know, just cause you were homeless it doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you. If anything I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world but with you right here."

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