One Month Later

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Hey! So this is an epilogue of this story and hopefully a prologue of the next one! If I get 500 reads I will be doing a sequel so I hope you enjoy!

(Y/n) P.O.V

"Hey Hiro!" I call out to my boyfriend. We have been dating for one month now and I still blush whenever he kisses me.

"Hey (y/n)!" Hiro called back from the bottom bunk. We shared a bunk bed still...

"I have been thinking for some upgrades on my suit." I started.

"Cool. What have you got?" He asked as I climbed down the ladder with some sketches.

"Well, instead of my water formula... I was thinking if we scrap that completely and give me a new weapon." I start.

"Sure! What weapon though?" He asked.

"This." I say as I hold up my sketches. He took them and studied them carefully.

"An electric rope?" He asked. I nodded. It was a simple design. It had a handle that was similar to a skipping rope and a small, red button on it. The button would pop out anelectric rope that could act like a lasso or whip. (Similar to the one in spy kids 4 : all the time in the world, if you have seen that movie)

"Let's get started!" I say as I drag him to the garage. Once we got there, we saw Tadashi fiddle with a robot.

"Oh hey you two!" He waved as he noticed us enter.

"Hey!" We both answered.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"Upgrading (y/n)'s suit." Hiro replied as he began to construct the tool. No more than twenty minutes later was it finished. I pushed the button and out came the electric rope. It was a white colour to go and match with my suit that was black and white.

"Sweet!" I say as I run out the garage and slam it into the concrete. The contact created a small hole in the ground... Small in width but in depth... It went down deep!

"Woah!" Hiro yelled as he walked over to the small crater.

"What is that!?" Tadashi asked as he looked down into the hole. I looked as well and saw what seemed to be a lab down under ground.

"It's some sort of cool tech lab!" Hiro stated.

"No duh genius!" I say. I hit the rope on the floor again making the brothers jump. The hole widened and we could see ore of the lab. It was one of the computers that caught my eye though, it had a picture of two adults and children. There was a young man and woman hugging the two kids. Black haired, brown eyed kids... I had seen these faces before. There were two red crosses on the adults faces who supposedly were the parents.

Hiro's P.O.V

I looked at the lab from above when I heard (y/n) gasp. "Hiro and Tadashi, do either of you, and I am sorry to bring this up... bur do either of you have a picture of both of your parents before they died?" She asked. I looked shocked as well as Tadashi.

"Well yeah, here." Tadahsi said pulling out his wallet containing a photo of them.

"Why did you want to know?" I asked confused.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I stayed silent and looked at the image... They were the same people on the computer screen!

"Because Hiro, a picture of you, Tadashi and your parents are on that computer screen." I say pointing.

"Why do they have red crosses on their faces?" Tadashi asked.

"Usually it's a mark to show that someone or thing is gone... Do you think this could be the lab of the person who killed your parents?" I asked.

"I don't know... I don't know how they died even... They just never came home then one day... We got a call from aunt Cass saying that our parents died and we were to live with here. Our house and the last places our parents were at were roped off and never touched. Even aunt Cass doesn't know how they died." Tadashi explained.

"And I was three at the time so I didn't know what the heck was going on." Hiro added.

"Well, whoever his person is, they must know what happened!" Tadashi exclaimed. I nodded my head as I saw another screen, this time with a picture of me and my family... They all had circles around their faces in red marker... And my little sister Allie's face had a cross through it to.

"They also know how my little sister died." I said pointing to the other screen.

"I didn't know you had a little sister." Hiro said.

"I heard about her but my parents always said she died during childbirth... Mum survived but Allie didn't... Apparently someone mixed up the medicines and put alcohol instead so it harmed Allie... It was apparently an "honest mistake." But now it doesn't seem so." I admit.

"I think this person wants us dead." Tadashi said.

"How can you tell?" Hiro asked. Tadahsi pointed to a cork board that had a to do list sort of thing pinned up.

"(Y/n) (l/n) - alive
Hiro Hamada - alive
Tadashi Hamada - alive"

"This person knows you are alive even though everyone thought you died." Hiro pointed out.

"And what's worse is that he does want us dead, look!" I say pointing to a bit of writing underneath our names.

"Children are threat- kill them."

"Guys..." Hiro said slowly.

"Let's suit up."

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