Brother renuinion

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Hey guys! Just a quick A/N to say that this is a short chapter today. I am coming to an end on this story which is very sad. Also I totally ship tadahoney! They are so cute! The picture in the media is from devianart and is done by milady666 go check it out! Also I know this isn't a long story but I am thinking about doing a sequel if I get about 500 reads in total! To the story!!!

Hiro's P.O.V

"Is that really you?" I croaked.

"Yep." He says smiling. I ran and hugged him.

"I missed you a lot." I sniffed.

"Me to bonehead." He smiled and hugged me.

"But how?" I asked.

"Callahan threw me out of the building and I was put in a coma I figured you wouldn't want me after I left you guys... I also heard about you playing hero in San Fransokyo." Tadashi laughed.

"Um yeah... But how did the gang find you?" I asked.

"It was actually (y/n) idea." Honey Lemon piped up. "When she heard baymax say "Tadashi is here", she knew that he couldn't be sarcastic and he literally meant it." She said.

"Yep, your girlfriend is really smart." Tadashi said as (y/n) and I go beetroot red in the face.

"She isn't my girlfriend Tadashi." I admit.

"Y-yeah we aren't dating." (Y/n) stuttered. Why was she stuttering?

"That's a shame... I was hoping you were." Tadashi teased.

"Yeah! You guys are like my OTP! (Y/s/n) forever!" Honey Lemon squealed.

"(Y/s/n)?" (Y/n) asked confused.

"Yeah, what does (y/s/n) mean?" I asked.

"IT IS YOUR SHIP NAME!" Honey Lemon and GoGo yell.

"Oh... Wait what!? You are playing match maker!" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah and Tadashi totally agrees with us!" Honey Lemon yelled as Tadashi nodded his head. (Y/n) smirked and thought of a come back.

"Tadahoney!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"What?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Tadashi and Honey Lemon's ship name!" She said. Now that I think about it, they could be a great couple.

"Ha ha very funny but I still think that (y/s/n) should still happen!!!" Honey Lemon squealed.

"Yeah bro... You just to shy to admit it to (y/n)?" Tadashi asked smirking at me.

"Really?" I asked him in a "are you serious?" Sort of way.

"Love you otōto!" Tadashi laughed.

"You to Ni San." I rolled my eyes.

"So is this how brothers bond?" (Y/n) asked me.

"Yep!" I said popping the 'p' .

"Wow.. Didn't know you made fun of each other with crushes... So mature for an 18 year old *cough* Tadashi *cough*." (Y/n) said. I laughed.

"You were the one who said tadahoney." I remind her.

"Is called defending my friend." She said.

"You mean boyfriend." GoGo corrected her.

"Hey!" (Y/n) yelled.

"Okay okay, I get the point." I said as I put my hands up on mocking surrender.

"Brotherly reunions." She said has she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Things were finally turning around for me I guess...

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