If I'm to have you, what then?

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Pairing: Optimus x Elita x Reader

Reader type: Gender Neutral bot

Song: Beyond the pines- Thrice

Warnings: Reader doesn't think to highly of themselves.

An: I've wanted to write for these two for so long lol. Enjoy!

You have been called many things in your life. Autobot, soldier, enemy, friend. And more often have fallen from My Spark to my ex.

You have fallen in and out of love often enough to make you wonder if you were truly worthy of any sort of affection from another.

Often you wonder what it would be like to glow in the light of another's affections. To be the soul standing stone in their chaos as they would be for you.

Your hands and body scared and beaten from millennia in this war. To battered for most others. To focused on themselves to help you gather your pieces when you did everything for them. Handing over bits of yourself until you bled. Gathering them at their lowest and helping them rise only to leave you in the shadow of what you once were.

So, imagine you surprise when Prime himself and his conjux Elita came to you with an offer.

You had jumped at the offer to work under them and their group when it was given to you. Apparently they had good use for you and your skills.

And quickly. Very quickly. Did you fall into favor with Optimus and Elita.

It started with simple talks in the rec room. Energon in hand. You had been alone. Most others not wanting to talk to you having heard about you and the black marks in your records.

Those black marks had nothing to do with you. The only ones who knew were the autobot commanders themselves.

Elita had been first. And you had been entranced. Soothing voice and field. She had spoken to you as if you were a long time friend. Didn't speak down to you like many of your other employers and commanders. Didn't act as if she were afraid of you and those little black marks.

You felt guilty late at night as you dreamt of her. Felt guilty for that little longing pull in your spark you had long since learned to squash down. Having been made fun of for having an open spark. A hopeless romantic.

It could never work. She was just friendly. A good commander.

And she already had a conjux.

You cursed yourself and those pitter patter of feelings when Prime was next. Perhaps Elita told of you to him. Perhaps he did this with all new recruit's to his team. His group was small enough.

His servo on your shoulder. Large and heavy. Comforting warmth as be welcomed you to his team. Further introduced you to the others. Ironhide, Chromia, Jazz and Prowl. The medic you had met when you first came to this team.

His servo not once leaving your shoulder.

Your spark had sung.

Your mind afraid.

When you had been given your first mission from them you had been injured. Badly.

Not because you had done a bad job. But for the fact you cared a little to much about others.

Bumblebee had been your scout. You were the back up and heavy hitter. He helped you gather any Intel the cons had.

And the cons had found you two as you made your way back to the safe house.

You had gone from standing to coughing energon in a matter of moments. Yellow armour swallowing your vision as you covered him from gun fire. A sniper had made to end him quickly. So what was instantly fatal for him was a major side wound for you.

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