Rhapsody Mtmte Megatron x Human reader

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Nothing tastes quite as sweet as her honeyed lips. Soft against mine as we speak in the moonlight. Her body on mine. Twined together like vines on a castle wall.

I can only pray for her love. Sweet like wine and smooth as whiskey. She draws me in like no other. Her words dripping past her lips. Filling my chest till it bursts.

Her name is on my tongue. My muse for a sinful art. Hands on curves, bruising skin for her pleasure. Blossoming like flowers on green earth.

Preaching like a man at the alter. Exchanging sins for bliss. My lips on her. Trailing, teasing trembling limbs. One sinful priest revered by one faithful follower. In love, in death. To the soft green on earth.

Her cries are that of rapture. Brought forth and remade. She is a coveted beauty. Glowing skin haloed by moonlight. A crown sits on her brow. Her power over me.

Her hands are on my cheeks, drawing me upwards. I am led like a shepard's lamb. To feed, to slaughter, I do not know. This woman is god's greatest fear. Though she holds nothing but love against her breast.

She speaks her love on my lips. I cry out into the night. High and sweet is the sound. Like a lark to the sun.

"I am here! I am here!" It says. She answers with a force so great I am sent to my trembling knees. No God can save me now. I am lost in her. Forever condemned to serve her.

Such pleasure wrought by pain.




The figure beneath the covers moves. Baring skin to open air. Megatron stops in his writing. Watching the one he loves most curl beneath the blankets. Hair framing their soft face. Lips plumped and bruised from that nights activities.

His spark swelled at the sight of them.

He can't help himself when he reaches over. Trailing a large finger down their bare back. Pulling forth shivers as they mutter in thier sleep. He smiles. Brushing back loose hair.

"I love you. You know that?" His voice rumbles deep within his chest. He should have fallen into recharge hours ago. But after his love had fallen asleep he just couldn't help himself. He began writing with fervour he hasn't had since the start of war.

He brushes his finger along the length of their body. Over rounded hips and dimpled thighs. More than once she has voiced her dislike over her body.

Of the scars wrapped around her hips and chest. Along the gently rounded expanse of her stomach. She hated the dimples in her thighs. Or the crookedness of her teeth.


He has never seen a sight like her.

He could go on forever about how he loves her.

He loves the strength of her body. The way it can carry the weight of everything she has ever had to hold.

The softness of her body. The way it draws you in with sensual swaying hips. Or the way it brings comfort to them all.

All of her imperfections. All her flaws. Primus he sees not one in her body.

Not one within her.

How he often wonders why she chose him out of any other. The one who willingly tried to take over her planet.

The only one who gets to see her bared like this.

Lips pressed to the most vulnerable parts of her.


That is what she is to him.


Died and brought forth anew.

A second chance for a mech who never deserveds it.

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