Mars and Ares part 2

187 2 2

Pairing: N/A

Song: so you wanna start a war- kl

Warnings: n/a

An: Here ya go!

Tags: @lipoeghostie

There is no getting away with it. You will see him. You will meet him. And you must speak with him. But first, you must know.

Do not be timid. Even if you must pretend and your voice wavers and cracks. Do not be scared. He will respect you for trying even if you are oh so clearly afraid.Speak your mind if you must. Be loud. Be clear in your opinions. Do not let others talk you down. Not even him. Especially not him.Hold your head high. Shoulders straight and March towards your goals. He hates cowardice above all else.

They will call him many things. A monster, tyrant, murderer. He will let you think as much as well. Megatron will find glee in your horror. He will let you think he is harden and ruthless. He wants you to believe that he will be rid of you without a second thought.

So not let him deceive you.

See him for who he truly is. Listen to him. Watch him and what he does. He is ruthless on the battlefield, yes. But he does not prolong the suffering. He does not attack the defenseless and never does he leave a living mech behind.

He speaks loudly and with pride. Words to encourage his troops. Words that make you think.

Words are his most powerful tool. Listen and he will tell you things the Autobots rather keep hidden. Megatron will speak of his time as a slave. A lowly miner no one would think twice about. He will tell you how he and his fellow mech were treated. The pain. The hunger. Their sneering words. He will hide nothing of this time.

You wanted to know and he will tell you all.

Ask of his gladiator days and he will tell you of glory. Of power. Of Fame. He will tell you of Orion Pax, his once brother

They were ment to change the world.

And they did.

Megatron will tell you he had been betrayed. That Orion Pax had wanted to ease into one way or life and into another. No violence. No wars. And it would have. If all the injustices had gone away. If only it were that easy in the end Megatron had felt, violence, was his last, and most desperate call for action.

The brothers split. Orion Pax became Optimus Prime. Megatron had lost his way. It wasn't until now he had found it again. In a small group of seemingly useless people.

And in you.

In your unwavering words. In your kind heart and listening ears. The only human who dated to sympathize. The only one who reached out and asked. Why?

When Optimus comes to get you back he will see the change in his old brother. And in you. He won't ask what happened but he will lament the look in your eyes. He will fight to get you back.

And he will.


Megatron does not want to lose the only one who listened.

Who dared to care for a damned mech like him.

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