I will cherish you. Until my last breath I will cherish you.

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Pairing: Tfa Jazz x Reader

Reader type: Human female

Song: Beyond the pines-Thrice

Warnings: Angst. Reader injury.

An: I assure you there is fluff at the end! Thank you for the request!


You were lucky to be where you were now. On the hospital bed tucked into the autobots medbay. Arm held close to your chest wrapped firmly with a snow white cast.

The Autobots had defended Detroit from the Deceptions once again. Jazz had fought ferociously with them. You figured it was in part with you being there.

The battle was intense. Sounds of gunfire and yelling mechs sure to haunt your memories in the days to come. The heat of a blaster still echoing over your skin.

Your body begins to shake as more and more rolls over you. The bark of orders. Mechs lining up to go defend the city that they called home away from Cybertron. And Jazz.

Oh God Jazz.

The normally outgoing mech had fallen into a personality you had yet to see. His ever present smile fell as his visored optics fell on you. Realization that you would once again see the one thing he desperately tried to keep you from. The one aspect of his life he wished that you and many others did not have to see.

It was because of him though you were safe.

His love of you was well known in the Autobot ranks. Often where one of you were the other was soon to follow. Just as in the music Jazz adored. The two of your were one harmony. The melody to the others life.

It seemed though that because of that love the Deceptions deemed you a prime target. One to use to get under the mechs armour.

You had been hoisted high into the air. The breath leaving your lungs as the Deception warrior griped you harshly. Your stomach turned and fear took a sudden hold over you. Heart drumming in your chest like a caged bird trying to break free.

The look in Jazz's face was one you'd never soon forget.

Regret. Horror. Fear etched on on every inch of him.

It was because of him you were safe.

He was convinced he was the reason why you had gotten hurt.

He had fought ferociously. Dentae bared, engine roaring, cybertronian curses spilling past his lips.

Jazz was every bit the former student of Yoketron. Every bit the soldier of the Elite Guard.

The Deception had fallen in a few brief moments. One to many mistakes costing him the remainder of his cycles to come.

You had been injured in the midst of it. It could have been worse. God's knew it could have been worse.

A broken arm.

Just a broken arm.

Jazz had pulled his palm strike back to late and it had clipped you. The Deception was a coward and had used you as a shield.

After that Jazz had taken you to the nearest hospital. Then left.

Optimus had been the one to pick you up afterwards. The Primes soft words barely soothing to your hurt soul.

"He just. He left me Optimus. Jazz never just. Leaves. He always tells me he has to go. No matter what." The young mech vents heavily.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I don't even know why he did that. He's not injured at the very least. If it's any consolation." Tears spill and well over your flushed cheeks.

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