Breathe y/n. Breathe.

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Pairing: Optimus Prime x reader (platonic)

Reader type: Female Human

Song: Wrecked- Imagine Dragons

Warnings: Mentions of throwing up. Swearing.

An: So I've had a fucked up last couple of days so I'm venting here. From anxiety attacks, migraines, and life my dudes.

(Ending a bit meh. But ya.)

Migraines. The bane of your fucking existence.

You've had the pain for the past week. Clustered just behind your right eye. You were lethargic. Drained. And God did you want to die.

You could barely hold down food without feeling sick. You felt disconnected from your body. Like you were playing a first person shooter and we're just watching yourself go on with life.

Barley could you focus.

The first one to notice was Ratchet. Who, despite him saying otherwise, actually cared about you and the kids.

He had cornered you. Asking what was wrong and why you were taking an excessive amount of medication. Why you seemed to be drawn back from everything.

Which led you to explain you condition to him.

"I have chronic migraines. It effects everything I do. And, despite being consistent in medications, and actually eating and drinking water. My body decided to say fuck you your gonna hurt for a week." You were surprised to learn afterwards that he read up on your condition and the different types of migraines and headaches that occur in you day to say life.

Neither of you counted on the added stress you would soon have.

More work upon work piled up on your plate. Along with the expectation from June on you to be sure to watch the kids in her absence.

And Miko being Miko wanted to go out and play with the big robots.

It went from being a simple scouting around an abandoned energon mine to you and her quiet literally running for your life's.

The running had not helped. Your body shook with excess adrenaline. Your vision blurred and auras spotted what little you could see. Your hands tingled and your chest swelled.

Miko was safe.

You were not.

Bulkhead had managed to get her when you tossed her back up the hole the two you fell down from. He couldn't reach you and you couldn't reach the hole.

Then fucking Starscream. Always with the goddamn seeker.

He had chased you for god knows how long. Your stress piling up until it over flowed like an unwatched pot.

So here you were. In a hole in the wall with your entire body in hyperdrive.

You could no longer feel your arms from the elbows down. Your legs no longer worked and we're numb beyond belief. Half of your body was unresponsive and it felt like someone was doing the conga in your chest.

Your shoulders heaved as you tried to breath normally. Breath stuttering and stopping unable to fill your lungs like you should.

Your body shook as you layed against the rock wall. Trying as hard as you could to curl yourself up and try to hold yourself together.

"Oh human!" Starscream sung the words. His clawed fingers scraping along the rock walk. High pitched and by god did that sound hurt like a bitch. "Oh I bet lord Megatron would quite like you."

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