I Have Found My Peace In You Optimus x Reader

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Paring: Bayverse Optimus x Reader

Reader type: Gender Nuetral Bot

Song: Would that I- Hozier

Warnings: Smut lol

(Also I just did my nails and holy fuck is it hard to type in them. Rip.)

You felt more than saw Optimus come up behind you.His servos settling on your hips before sliding up and over your stomach plating. His helm fell in the crook of your shoulder and neck. His lips pressed to the cabling there. A warm huff of air had you shivering as a smile curved your lips.

"And what are you up to?" Optimus was in a meeting the last time you checked. Something about Autobot and Human alliances that would greatly improve upon the scarce supplies you all had.

You lent back against his chassis as your fingers hovered above the keyboard you were previously engaged with.

"Is it a crime for me to see my Conjunx?" Optimus spoke into your neck. You caught sight of his optics in the reflection of the holo screen. The look of them sent a shiver down your back struts. Often that look was accompanied with your thighs on either side of his helm.

"It is when you are giving me such a look." You could feel him smile. His helm dipping down before nipping at your neck. You yelped and jumped as he soothed it with another kiss. You laughed as smacked at one of his arms wrapped around your waist.

Optimus's response was a laugh of his own and to squeeze your briefly. The sound of it had your spark fluttering. So rare a sound it was anymore. It was pleasant when he did. You couldn't help but wonder what had him in such a light mood.

"Truly, it is your fault. How could I handle myself." He paused pressing yet another kiss to to your neck. "When you are looking the way your are." Optimus couldn't help but find you to be nothing short of divine. The suns low light highlighted all his favorite parts of you. Coupled with the fact that this meeting had actually went well for once. Optimus found himself craving you.

His helm rose digits capturing your chin to turn you towards him. Optimus pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. He took a moment to take all of you in. Optics following the lines and curves of your faceplates. Then there was a tug at your bond. Full of want and desire. Warmth and love. Letting you know just how much he loved you in that moment. The here and the now in between the quiet lull of the war.

"Optimus. I do have reports to finish." They really were not important. You just wanted to tease. You were swiftly turned before your digits could touch the keyboard. The small of your back pressed against it as Optimus leaned forward towards you. You could hear the holo screen going wild until Optimus reached behind you and turned it off.

"The reports can wait." He pressed a kiss to your jaw. One servo traveling over your hip and up your waist.

"Do you really think Ratchet or Lennox would be ok with that?" Optimus huffed an pressed his helm against yours.

"I am the Prime. They can come to me if there is such an issue with it." With a laugh you pulled him in for another kiss. Arms moving to wrap around his neck as he lifted you up by your thighs before resting you on the keyboard.

Foolish decision really. But with him kissing along your neck like this? You were able to discard any real hard feelings about it.

"Oh for the love of Primus. Get a room you two!" Optimus turned to reveal and angry-ish Ratchet. The old war medic was shaking his helm and wagging a digit. Reminding you of one of the old ladies on the rom coms that Bumblebee liked to watch time to time.

"We are in a room old friend. Unless you intend to watch I suggest you leave." You barked out a laugh and smacked his chest with your servo.

"Optimus Prime don't you dare!" You could hear Ironhide laughing while he left just ask quickly as he came pulling a peeved looking Mudflap along with him.

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