There's something about you. Like sadness is tied to your soul.

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Pairing: Ultra Magnus x Reader

Reader type: Gender neutral human

Song: Nfwmb-Hozier

Warnings: swearing

An: totally didn't make this as my phone is dying. Nope. Not at all. But hey. My first time writing for Ultra Magnus so let me know how I did!

I have been called many things in my life.




Not once have I been called a romantic.

Not once has the word even been a thought in my vocabulary. But when I saw you. Gods when I saw you. My heart froze in my chest. My tongue stopped behind my teeth making me unable to speak.

You came into the base with an air that demanded respect. Your frame laced with it.

Teethed bared I greeted you. One of the only humans not to be slightly intimidated by you. Don't get me wrong. I'd lose my soul if I got on the wrong side of you.

But other than that. Not a drop of me believed the act you put on.

All power and respect. Absolutely no nonsense and by the books. Not leaving a t uncrossed and and I undotted.

You carried something else with you. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

And boy did I want to figure out what it was.

I spent my days with you. Learning all I could. Bit by bit I took down those walls. Each brick you played in my hands. Each with an unspoken "Don't break it. Don't break me."

I learned of your days as an enforcer on Cybertron.

I told you of my dedication in combat sports. Unwilling to let myself to become a victim once again.

You spoke of your favorite crystal gardens.

I gave you a singular acorn on a chain necklace. A little piece of home I brought to Jasper with me.

You brought me back down to earth. No longer did I just dive head first into anything. Didn't let my temper flare and roar it's ugly head.

I thought of you when my parents screamed and yelled at me. To cool myself down and speak calmly. To leave if I must.

It was your words that kept me from loosing it all after being wronged. Your words that kept me from doing what I regret most in my life.

I think I might of helped you to. Or at least I hope.

Your shoulders loosen. You smile a bit more.

You speak more freely to me.

Give me a little more of your soul.

That's when I notice it. Should have noticed it sooner.

The sadness that you carry.

I know that sadness all to well.

It's echoed in our hearts.

Etched on skin and metal.

It stitches together lips and bloodies tongues.

It's that of loss. Of anger. Of fear.

Ultra Magnus.

"Did you know your name literally means ultra great? It's latin." I threw this bit of information out into the air. The base was far to quiet.

You catch it. Almost smile.

"I did. It is why I stopped the translation there. It was the closest I could get to my actual cybertronian name." I laughed. Ribs aching.

"God! Does that like. Make you super badass or something? Ultra Great. Primus I love it." You do nothing more than shake your head and offer me that to rare smile.

You tell me a word I could not pronounce.

"What?" I ask.

"It is my name." You answered. I smile.

Then make it my life's duty to be able to day it.

When I managed it. Perfected it. Because I know how you are. All the lines must be straight. Every corner angled correctly. And every vowel properly pronounced.

I call out to you. Your name sweet on my tongue. Foreign and hard to wrap around.

But I do it.

All the swearing and frustration worth it to see your face light up. Smile pressed to your face in a way I couldn't describe.

Was it pride?



I wish I knew. All of it just as foreign to me as your name.

It is when we are attacked I show a side to me I wish I never did. That I willed to stay hidden.

That sadness that you took and transformed into perfection. To pride. To stability.

I made into chaos. Anger. Regret.

He hurt you.

So I hurt him.

Fell back on old ways. Archaic and savage as my fists connected time and time again. Instead of being protected by wraps and padding it was armour and metal. My fingers didn't break but God when I saw that look on your face I wish they had.

I would have had to handle physical pain rather than the mental.

But what was I supposed to do? Let him hurt you.

The suit fell from my body the moment you were brought back to base. I couldn't bare to look at you. Afraid of what I might see.

"Y/n?" My named echoed in the empty base. Finally you were free of Ratchets care. "Y/n. Please. Look at me." I scoff. Regret etched in my skin as I look up at you. Finally seeing that God awful look.

"Why? So you can tell me to fuck off like everyone else in my life?" Your face fell. My heart broke."That's what I thought. Gods I was so fucking stupid." It's what cost me last relationship.

They got hurt. I hurt the person who hurt them.

And I was the monster.

"Y/n. Despite everything." You hesitated. My breath caught in my throat. You never. "Despite everything I still care for you. I. " You walked up to me. Every step calculated. Measured carefully.

"I thought you were going to be hurt, Y/n. That is why I was afraid. I have already lost one love in my life." Your hand gently grasps mine. Large and protective. A shield from all else.

"I am not ready to lose another. There is something about you." That hand comes up and brushes over my heart. Where your spark would lie in you own body. "Like sadness is tied to your soul. And perhaps. Together. We can be happy again."

Tears fall. My hands shake.

"Id like that. To be happy again. With you. Ultra Great."

Laughter rings through.

And I hope it is the only sound I will hear again from you.

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