This is war, child.

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Pairing: N/A

Reader Type: Gender neutral bot! Child

Song: Leave out all the rest- Linkin Park

Warning: Angst.

An: Was this based off a dream I had? Yes. Did I cry when I woke up? Perhaps. (Let me know if y'all want a part two or not.)

Bellator- Warrior.

Vita- Life

The ship rocked against nothingness. Keeping close it's lone passenger. The youngling vented harshly. Frame and mind tired after hours upon hours of peril. Their body shook curled up on a to big captains chair

It wasn't fair.

They were scared. Petrified. All the screaming and yelling. Strange sounds and smells. Then thier Dani rushing them into the escape pod.

The escape pod was for emergencies. But Dani and Opi had promised that they would be there with them.

So where were they?

They remembered yelling. A lot of it. Then the loud crack of gunshots and metal hitting metal. Their world bathed red as sirens screamed into the night.

They remembered thier Opiluck shielding them from it all. Then the mean Mechs came. The ones with red optics and purple faces. The ones they were told to stay away from. Because not all bots are nice like the ones in thier ship.

They fought with Opi. They knew because they watched from beneath the berth. It was loud and scary. So much so that even crystal, thier creation day present, didn't make them feel better

Opi had yelled. Loud and heavy as a boom shook the room. A bright light then back to darkness. A strange smell flooded thier olfactory sensors. The gray frame of the bad mech fell. And so did Opi's.

"Little one?" His voice had rumbled out. "Little Spark?" Desperation edged his voice. Along with static.

A small had popped out from beneath the berth. Opi sighed in relief.

"Opi?" Said thier little voice.

They felt thier creator cradle thier small arm and pull them out with gentleness that only he had.

"Oh my little one." He breathed out. Lips coated in energon. One optic flickering from damage.

"Opi! You're hurt!" Cried the youngling. Opi cradled them with one arm. Praying to Primus above that his little one wouldn't notice the blanket covering the gaping wound in his torso.

"I am fine. My Little Spark." His first lie. He pressed a kiss to their little helm. "Lets get you to Dani. We will keep you safe. Ok?" Lie number two. He stood up. The large mech stumbled his free hand bracing himself against the wall.

He clutched his youngling tighter to his chest. Close to his spark. Hoping with everything he had he could make it to the med bay before he bled out.

Hoping he could keep his youngling safe.

One hand clutched the blanket to his torso. Already the energon had bleed through. Leaving a bright blue trail as he walked. The other held his youngling close. Despite his pain he flared his field and flooded his bond with love to both his creation and to his spark mate. Who was currently in a battle all her own.

:Bellator! What is going on! Is the y/n ok?: His Spark mate called out to him. Fear over the bond. Soothed over by his own unwavering determination.

:It is fine, Vita. The youngling is safe.: Even with their bond his voice wavered.

: You're injured.: Vita stopped her firing on the Decepticons. One look thrown at their captain. The green mech grimaced. Then nodded at the blue femme.

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