If I am to have you. What then? Part 2

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Pairing: Optimus x Elita x Reader

Reader Type: Gender Neutral Bot

Song: Saturn- Sleeping at last.

Warnings: none.

An: My dude this was one of my favorite pairings to write and I waited so long to post that one lol. But ya. It's perfectly chill that you want a second part! I'm glad you liked it enough to want more lol. I hope you enjoy! Sorry it's a bit short tho lol.

There it is. The singing of your spark. It rises and falls in its own rhythmic tune. Dances as they come near. It calls out to them. Frustrated you are waiting so long to bond with who is quite clearing your spark mates thank you very much.

You have something even better than that though, you think. With Elita laying on your chest. Her helm pressed into the crevice of your neck. Her venting leaving hot air on sensitive cabling.

Your servo curve around her helm. Didigits following every line of armor plating, the curve of the soft pink metal. Around her audio receptors to the line of her jaw and back up again.

The poor femme had overworked herself yet again. It was for the betterment of the Autobot army for sure but. It pained you to see her like this. As much as you enjoyed having her in your arms. The pinched look on her faceplates never quite seemed to fade away despite your best efforts. You would never quit trying though. Always willing to bring her some type of peace in all the chaos.

The twin doors to your shared habsuite swish open. Optimus steps through energon cubes held in servo. A soft smile curves his lips as his battle mask retracts.

"And how is she." Your servo stops. Brushing along her shoulders now.

"Could be better Prime. Although she finally fell into recharge a few clicks ago." You felt more than saw Optimus brush his knuckles along your cheek plating.

"Is there room for one more?" You chuckled. Low and soft.

"Maybe. If you get another blanket." And off he went gathering the fine mesh material from the closet. Just as quickly he was at the side of the berth once more. He gathered both you and Elita into his arms once he was settled. You were big for your frame. At least larger than the femme in your arms. But Optimus was the largest of your group.

You enjoyed it though. Being the smaller one for once. Able to receive comfort rather than giving it. You were very much touched starved. And Optimus and Elita sought to rectify it at once.

Optimus made you refuel first. Bring the cube to your lips before your own servos could reach for it. It made some part of you sing. Knowing that the mech made sure both you and Elita were taken care of first. Some part of you singing in the protectiveness of the mech. But at the same time, you fought it. Used to being the one taking care of others.

It was a battle of wills between you and the Prime. Who could love on the other the most without being taken care of.

The refueling done, you rested your helm on his chest. Listing to the singing of his spark. Deep and rhythmic. Echoed with something ancient. Optimus's field coiled around you and Elita. Such love and warmth flooding you. Almost too much after so little for such a long time. You felt his lips press into your helm. A heavy hum sounding from his chest. His arm tightens more around you and the sleeping femme.

Strength. It held. Protection. It was offered to you and his long-time mate. Protection in a state so vulnerable.

And slowly you did. Recharge sequences firing off one after the other.

Your spark pulled out. Trying to reach for the other two closest to it. You willed it back at first. Old fears catching up to you. The scars of rejection still fresh form your last relationships.

"A bleeding spark" Your Dani once told you. "You have a bleeding spark."

You loved them. Did you not? The Prime and his Elita.

And they loved you? Right.

Shown in soft touches. Talking late into the night cycles. Its was in Elita's nurturing nature. To make you care for yourself when you wanted to the least. To remembering that you loved your energon sickly sweet, but you wouldn't touch actual energon sweets with a ten-foot pole. It was through her you once again felt a soft loved you have craved for so long.

It was given to you by Optimus. In his willingness to help you through your own sorrows. Your aches and pains in your frame from taking one too many shots. It was in his protectiveness that you felt safe for once.

You let your spark go. Still half into recharge. Unlocking the cage, you had firmly never let go of. Release the key.

Elita stirred in your arms.

Optimus buried his helm into your shoulder.

Soft blue optics looked up at you. Elita now clearly awake.

Optimus let out a laugh. Happy. Overjoyed.

Elita's face flooded with a grin.

"Well. That's one way to wake up." She rolled over the top of you. Lips pressing to yours as they moved you to sit between Optimus's legs.

"Really? Truly?" Optimus asked.

You reached out for them once again. Spark pulling at the edges of their own.

It would take the opening of their chest plates to truly make such a bond. The crashing of energies. Of souls. To unite them. You smiled. Fulling pulling out of your recharge.

"Positive." You answered. "There is something about this. Us. To exist in this moment. I want it to last forever. Or at least as long as possible. With you. With Elita."

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