A Taste Of The Divine Optimus x Reader

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Pairing: Optimus Prime x Reader

Reader Type: Gender Neutral Bot

Song: The Summoning- Sleep Token

Warnings: Smut my dude. Valveplug. Bot's bangin'.

An: I could not get this out of my head. Pls. Enjoy. Also adding a read more lol

There is no greater way of clearing his helm than having them buried between your shaking thighs. The sweetened taste of your transfulid on his glossa as he drug it between your wet folds and wrapped his lips around your poor abused node.

How many times has he brought you to the brink of almost overloading now? Two? Three? He has long since count. Time was lost when he did this. Time he would never regret losing.

Optimus rumbles against you. His frame shaking while he all but devoured you. The heels of your peds smacking against his broad back. One of your servos clutched the fabric of the berth. The other dug into the side of his helm. Pushing and pulling as if you were unable to decide of your wanted more or less of what he was giving you.

He cold feel the crackle of your charge bounce against his frame. A feedback loop of the pleasure that was racking through your frame. A growl left him as you managed to roll your hips from beneath his lips.

One of his servos splayed against your stomach plating. Pressing down on you to keep you from moving further. The other moved away from your thigh and traveled to your valve.

Optimus pulled away with a huff of air. That same servo going to gently spreading you apart. You coated his digits with your fluids.

His vents whirred and huffed heated air. A low rumble emitted from him. He wasn't as unaffected as one would think in this moment. His spike pressed harshly against it's housing. He could feel the fluid bleeding from it. Pooling against the plating.

The sight of you laid out on your shared berth was nothing short of ethereal. The dim lighting of your half lidded optics softened your features. Energon pooled in your faceplate. Your once, so neatly colored lips were open in a soft o. A breath left them. There. Smeared against your faceplates was the same color now on his own. Washed away from when he had made a mess of your valve.

"Please." Optimus caught your optics. His glossa darted out to catch the fluid that had been caught on his lips. His digits ran a loose circles around your puffy node. He could see the proto form beneath your armor jerk and flex with every pass.

"Please what? My dear spark." His normally smooth baritone was raspy. Almost needy. He craved you as much as you did him.

"Your digits. Please." There was a whine in your voice. Desperate. Pleading. You gave another as Optimus made another lazy pass then downwards. Just ghosting over the place you wanted it most.

Your vents hitched. Sputtered. "Optimus Please." He supposed he should. As much as he could look at you like this forever. Undone. Shaking, needing, and yearning for him. Only for him.

His spark would swell at this every time. Filled with so much adoration for you. Of this. The trust that you placed in him to let your guard down like this. Every inch of you bared for him.

Optimus propped a knee onto the berth. The weight of him creaked the metal frame of it. He could hear the cry you gave when his servo left you to grab your thighs. He pulled your legs around his hips.

Transfluid coated your thighs. It smeared across his own wide legs. A curse left his lips at the sight of this. You spread apart before him.

Optimus leaned his frame above you. His helm fitted next to yours. His digits sunk deep within you. Your valve pulled him in greedily.

"Is this what you wanted Dear Spark?" He lazily thrusted his digits in and out of you. He grazed his digits against the nodes that had you calling his name. "Did you want your Prime to overload you with his servos alone." He curled his digits within you.

Optimus pressed his lips against your neck. Pooling energon against your cabling.

"Or did you want my spike in that pretty little valve of yours." Optimus chuckled when a breathy curse left your lips. "Would you like that? Would you like to overload on my spike? The only thing you're able to say is my name when you overload on it?"

His digits left your valve. He wrapped his lips around them. Tasting you as he licked them clean.

Before you could protest Optimus had lifted you up. Rolling onto his back as he placed you on his lap. His spike spilling from its housing and smacking against your back.

Optimus's back pressed against the headboard of the berth. His helm tilted upwards to look at you. His servos traveled up yoursides. Moving to press against your chassis. Thick digits finding the seems in your armor above your spark chamber. He could feel the rapid thrum of your spark.

You chassis opened freely to show your spark. The light was bright. Shining. Optimus's own guiding light in this damned to long war.

Your hips rose as you poised yourself above his spike. The lips of your valved brushing against the tip of it before you sunk downwards. Your helm thrown back from the pleasure of it all.

Optimus kept his servos on your hips. Guiding you until your hips sat flush with his own.

"That's it my spark. Gently now." His voice caught in the end when you rose back up. A slow up and down as you stretched against him.

He pressed a servo against your back as he brought your forward. Letting your spark merge with his own. The feedback was instantaneous.

It was nothing but unfiltered love and want. Of ecstasy and pleasure.

He helped you move against him. Snapping his hips up to meet you with every downward move you made. Rolling your hips every time you met his.

"That's it my spark. Use me as you need. That's it. That's my spark." His frame shook as pleasure racked through him. Everything you felt flooding through him and vis a versa.

Your name was on his lips like a prayer. A chant he sung so that Primus himself may hear. Optimus prayed that he would. Unicron himself would repent if he saw you. Such beauty wrought from pleasure.

The charge you shared filled the room. Crackled and sparked between your frames. Bouncing and arcing between your frames as the pace quickly sped up.

It rose higher and higher. Reaching its peak when you cried his name against his lips.

Optimus swore there was afterlife, no living cycle, better spent than here and down. As you overloaded on his spike. You spark surging and spilling over into his own.

He could pass here and now happily.

There was no moving for the longest time. The two of you trying to cool your heated frames with desperate pulls of air. The two of you calmed with your sparks still pressed together. Sending nothing but love and want back and forwarth. Safety and happiness.

Optimus pressed his lips to your helm. Drawing lazy circles against your back. Tracing the odd and random glyphs of your name. His. Love. Protection.

Truly. This was the closet he could get to tasting the divine. Even with the Matrix in his chest, the only other thing closest to his spark. You. You were the only divine thing he would follow.

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