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Part 1, Enter Polynesians

Seek's POV
I hum, looking at the island the three of us created. My volcano looked incredible. The others things look pretty good too but I think I put in the most effort. Making a Volcano from scratch isn't easy. I hum, looking around. We even built a building here. Impressive. I turned to the tree hugger, Collin. Literally, he was hugging a tree. I sighed. "Collin, what did I say about hugging trees?" I question my brother. He turns his head to me. "That it's embarrassing?" He answered. I nodded. "Yeah, exactly. I swear if you go doing that when we finally meet the rest of the camp I won't be very happy." I said, putting on a threatening front. He sighed, turning away. "Chill out dude." A calm voice spoke from behind me. I turned to my other brother, Austin. Shapeshifter guy. He was casually floating in the water as a stingray. I groaned. "No I won't chill out, we just got here and first impressions matter." I state. Collin huffs. "Can't we just be ourselves?" He questions quietly. I blink. I suppose he has a point. "I guess...fine, but don't do anything to crazy!" I shout. They smile. I love my brothers.

Part 2, Mercurian glowstick

Cal's POV
I hum, flipping through the pages of a book I had already read several times. I sighed, putting the book down. This is so annoying. When am I finally gonna get the chance to leave this planet and go to earth? I just hate being isolated here with my only company being that titan that comes here on ocassion. Hell, I've never even met my dad. I wonder what he's like. The god of chaos. He's supposedly really evil but you never really know. I just wish I could know for sure.


I blink. I'm falling, fast. I was just thrown through space all the way to earth. Should I scream? No that would draw attention. I'm sure I'll survive this but I didn't realize I could survive being thrown through space like that, then again I never thought I'd be thrown through space. The ground is approaching fast, I should brace for impact.


I blink. Camp Oasis. A camp for Demi-gods? Interesting. Hey, maybe I'll finally get to meet my dad! Wait...why the hell am I being so calm about this?! This is crazy! I'm on a whole other planet in a camp full of other Demi-gods!! And let's not forget that weird Roku guy, heavenly kings or whatever, and the underworld with that son of Hades! What the actual fuck is happening?!

Part 3, Moon Unicorn

Ricarro's POV
"Hoppity skippty, hoppity skippty." I repeat again and again as I skip around my home. The moon. I've always been here, my dad, Khonsu, the god of the moon, kind of just left me here with a note explaining who I was. Along with lots of books from earth. Not just books, lots of stuff from earth. I really love their music and singing it. And...According to my books I'm a Unicorn! Because I'm unique! I can't wait for the day I go down to earth!

I laugh to myself, floating around. When a light appeared from nothing. I gasped, going towards it. It looks so pretty. I reach out to touch it. Reality seemed to warp around me. The moon swirled into nothing, then a new setting appeared in its place. I stood on land, in front of me was water. The ocean...I looked around, I turned to see a huge door-like thing. I looked at it. It didn't really look like the doors in the seems like a door though. I reach out to touch it, it disappears from the spot I touched. After a few seconds it reappeared. "!" I chirped.

Part 4, Anubis, Ra and Horus

Inpu's POV
I sigh, trekking through the desert sand. Myself and my sibling Magnus had come to the Egyptian realm in search of the children of Ra and Anubis. As children of Horus and the councilors for the Egyptian pantheon it is our job to gather the Egyptian Demi-gods. I much rather be reading but this can't be helped. I looked back at Magnus who's eyes were sharp and observant, hand hovering over their dagger. I hummed, looking back in front of me. I could see two figures in the distance. I could see from here that one of them had a tail and ears. They must be the children we're looking for. As we approached the one with the ears perked up, turning to us. "Who are you!" He shouted in a calm manner. I turned to Magnus, gesturing for them to relax. They nodded. I turned to the two. "We are the children of Horus, sent here as councilors of camp oasis to gather Demi-gods of the Egyptian pantheon. We have come to take the two of you back to the human realm." I explained. The one who I assume was the son of Ra snorted. "Oh really, why should we come with you?" He asked, sounding all high and mighty. I sighed, I knew Magnus was considering stabbing him. Better defuse this before they do. "Look, you will come to camp oasis to compete in The Festival Of The Pantheons on behalf of the gods of our pantheon. There will be lots of different challenges in this festival and the Egyptian pantheon plans to win, but to do that we need more people." I say, trying to put on an intimidating act. The son of Anubis sighed. "Davis, relax. I don't see a problem with this. We haven't been able to leave this world ourselves plus, it could be fun." He said, causing the son of Ra, or Davis, to relax. It seems this guy is more reasonable. "Alright, thank you for your corporation."

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