Chapter 3~

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4 girls, 2 non-binary's, and the rest are boys. Damn.

Part 1, Besties for Resties

(Does anyone get the reference?)

Brandeen's POV
I was wondering around the now expanded camp when I came up on what I'm pretty sure was the office for the Greek counselor. I'm pretty sure that Kayla is still serving as counselor. I hum, opening the door. I heard voices. I followed the sound and it lead me to the infirmary. I gasped at what I saw when I peeked in. It's him...he's actually here. Without thinking a burst into the room. "Jakey!!" I shout, tackling the shorter male. He yelped. Bryan shouted at me to get off of him but I didn't listen. This is the first time I've seen my Bestie in a long time. I'm so happy. I looked up at the boy, expecting to see some kind of smile but instead he had a blank expression. I frowned. "Jakey...what's wrong?" I asked, becoming worried. He blinked. "You're here." He stated. Someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see a smaller boy. "Hello. My name is Lychee. Who are you?" He greeted. I hummed. "I'm Brandeen...I'm Jakey's friend." I say, turning back to Jakey. I bury my face in his chest, anything to keep from looking at the blank face. Why isn't he showing any emotion, no happiness, sadness, nothing. Bryan sighed. "You must be confused, we are too. All we know is that he was like this when he woke up. No idea if he was this way before he became unconscious. We just know that he seems to be incapable of feeling or at least expressing emotion." He explained. I blinked. Is this because of what happened? I held onto his clothes, afraid to let go. "Jakey...I swear I'll make sure you feel happy again. After all. You're my bestie for resties." I whisper into his ear, unsure if the other two had heard. He gave a small nod. I promise.

Part 2, Nightmare

Cal's POV
I blink. I'm running. I don't feel tired though. I traverse the hallways, turning seemingly at random. Where am I going? I stop in a room. All was silent before but suddenly, whispers started echoing around the room, no, it was more like they were in my head. I fell down. This is...scary. What is this strange voice. What's it saying? I can't tell.

I wake with a jolt. The whispers didn't stop. I held my head, tears started to pour from my eyes. "Make it stop!" I shouted, I repeated that over and over again. Then a heard a crash, I've never heard such a loud sound before. I start to panic further. My head hurts. "Please make it stop." I begged some unknown force. I'm just so confused and scared. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, and I heard my name, repeated over and over. I...I'm being comforted. Yeah...comforted. That's right, I can relax now...I'm safe.

I open my eyes, my head still hurts a bit but besides that I feel fine. I raise myself up and look down at the two who comforted me in my time of need. Inpu and Ricarro. They're both good people. I'm grateful to them. But what was that dream? No, nightmare. What could it possibly mean?

Part 3, The Festival Begins

Inmo's POV
I look around, so many people here. The festival of the pantheons. It's kind of scary. "Now, now, no need to be shy. Go talk to people." He urged. I sighed. Right...I can do this. I have to do this. Otherwise...he'll be mad. And I don't want to make him angry.

I managed to talk to some of the Egyptian's. Cal, Ricarro, and Davis. They were all nice. Ricarro was a little strange. He started calling me his pet. I was a little uncomfortable but he doesn't seem to mean it in a bad way. Cal scolded him for it but I assured him it was fine. Ricarro also calls Cal mom and David big bro. He's a good kid. Drannus mentioned taking an interest in Cal when he mentioned he was a son of Set. I'm a bit worried about that. I don't want anyone else to get involved with Drannus. I wish I could warn him but that's not possible, it would just get the whole camp in trouble.

I hummed to myself, walking away from the party. I managed to speak to almost everyone there so Drannus allowed me to leave. I was relived by that. I don't know how much longer I could stand to be there. It was scary.

Part 4, Plans

Drannu's POV
So many toys to play with. The Seductive Rose sounds interesting. I think I'll use Inmo's blacksmithing skills to bring that back once I gather the pieces. I heard that the boy it possessed is back in camp so that will be interesting. Then there's that son of Set. I haven't seen Set in a while, knowing him he'll be controlling the boy. Considering the boy has a good heart Set will manipulate him and turn him to darkness. I might just help with that. I heard that some son of Aphrodite teamed up with those tricksters. I'll have to meet him. So many interesting Demi-gods. So many life's to bring chaos to.

Part 5, Sparks of love

Momiji's POV
I hum, walking around the Asian area when I hear a voice. "Hoppity skippty, hoppity skippty." Someone repeated. Then someone came into view, a little red boy. I blinked. "Hello?" I questioned. He turned to me, smiling. "Oh hi, I'm Ricarro. I'm a unicorn from the moon!" He introduced himself enthusiastically. I blink. A unicorn? cute. "Aw, my name is Momiji." I introduce. He smiles. "You look really pretty." He compliments. I laugh. What a flattering boy. "Now...what's a kid like you doing around here?" I ask. He blinks. "I'm not a kid! According to Cal I'm about 18 years old in human years and I'm over 100 years old in demon years." He explains. I blink. "Oh dear, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed your age." I apologize. He shakes his head. "No it's fine. Everyone thinks I'm a kid." He says. I nod. "Well then Ricarro, it's nice to meet you."

And that was the beginning of a love that would last for a long time.

-To Be Continued-


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