Chapter 6~

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Part 1, The Start of The Roses Control.

Jakey's POV
My eyes opened to the dim light shining through my curtains. I groaned, getting up and stretching. I let out a sigh as I hear the satisfying popping. Another morning, another day. Brandeen and/or Lychee will likely be around me. I might run into Kayla or Mario, maybe even Daveed. Yeah...Daveed's probably the scariest of the three. I sigh. I'll just have to suck it up. I don't deserve to be here anyways. I still don't understand, why haven't I been punished yet?

I looked down at the food on the table. It all looks so good but...I can't eat that. No, I don't deserve it. I go over to the table. Brandeen told me to meet him here. I looked up when the door opened. He stepped in, turning in my direction. He waved. I sighed as he came over. "Glad to see you came." He chirped. "You act as if I have a choice." I mumble. He blinks. "What do you mean?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nevermind, just tell me why I'm here." I said. He hummed. "I noticed you were looking, rather thin. Not that you look ugly. Its just, I was wondering if you've been eating at all." He said. I took in a breath, pinching my arm. "Of course I've been eating." I said. He frowned. "Jakey, I'm you're friend. I can tell when you're lying to me." He said, gaze firm. I shook my head. "No, no I promise I've been eating!" I say, trying to convince him but utterly failing to do so. I can't do anything right. He sighs, getting up. He goes over to where the food was laid out, grabbing a few items. He returned with a sweet role and a salad. He placed them in front of me then returned to his seat. I looked at the food. My stomach rumbled at the sight. One meal won't hurt...I hummed, taking the fork he also brought and stabbing into the lettuce. I shoved it into my mouth. It was good. I continued until the salad was no more. Then I grabbed the sweet roll. As the name implies it was sweet. Brandeen chuckled. But then his face darkened. "Jakey, tell me, why haven't you been eating?" He asks. I freeze before frowning. "I um...I guess its part of my punishment." I said, averting eye contact. He sighed. "Listen up and listen well. You don't have to punish yourself. You've already made up for your actions. You obviously regret what you did so get over it. Your past mistake doesn't define you." He said. I looked at him. His fluffy hair and masculine body. His blood-red eyes. I love him platonically, that's been true for a long time. I want him all to myself. No one else can have him. I nodded. "Right...I guess I'll start eating again."

Part 2, Operation: Get Back Home.

Cal's POV
I hummed, setting down another book. I've been reading all night, it's morning now, and I still haven't found anything on this place. If it's Egyptian maybe one of the others know where it is. Should I ask? I hummed, looking down at my necklace. Wait...isn't there an Egyptian realm? Could it be there? That's a thought...I suppose if it is then I have to ask someone. I have no idea how to get to the Egyptian realm.

I hummed, coming into the pyramid. Hopefully someone's here. I smile when I see Inpu and Mikheal are there. I come up to them. "Hey guys." I greet. They turn to me. "Hey Cal, what's up?" Inpu asks. I sigh. "Well...I decided I wanted to go visit mercury but...I don't know how to get there. However I know a place that my dad is connected to so I'm hoping I can find a way back home there but...I can't figure out where the place is." I explain. They blink. "I believe I know what place you're talking about. The *insert name* is in the Egyptian realm." Mikheal said. I smile. "Really?! That's great!!" I exclaim. Inpu laughs. "I could open a portal for you to get there but I'm far to busy to be a tour guide." He said. I looked at Mikheal. "Will you help me?" I asked. He sighed before nodded. "I suppose, it would be nice to visit the place I called home for a bit." He said. I was beaming. I get to go home!! Back to Mercury!!

Part 3, Brandeen and Lychee.

Brandeen's POV
I hummed, walking around the Greek area. I chose a cabin not long ago. I haven't spent much time there since I've been hanging around Jakey. I was walking when I spotted the small boy who had saved Jakey. Lychee. I walk over to him. "Hey Lychee, how you doin?" I asked. He turned to me. "Well, I've been trying to help Jakey, that's harder then it sounds. I participated in the trial of Ares. Of course Daveed won that one since he seems to be the strongest around, still pretty annoying though." He recounted. I nodded. "Yeah, Jakey's something. I was lucky enough that he agreed to start eating again. And I totally agree. Daveed means well but he doesn't know when to shut up and he keeps going on about pumpkin spice lattes." I say. He laughs. "This camp seems rather interesting. I'm glad I decided to come here." He said. I shrug. "Its nice but knowing this camp it won't be too much longer till things start going wrong." I say. He sighs. "Its not surprising, gathering a bunch of Demi-gods in one place is bound to attract all kinds of trouble. Gods, Monsters and even other Demi-gods." He said. I nodded. "Yeah...last year the son of Momus and son of Ate freed the Titans along with Jakey. Of course we took them down and sealed them away in Tartarus, and by we I mean mostly Daveed. I'd say those three were the biggest threats at the time, along with a few minor threats that were worrying but didn't do anything but cause some drama. Such as Bri, Bryans sister, she got split in two, one was good and one was evil. Lets just say that was an interesting Aphrodite's Ball and if Mario opposes this years ball, that's why." I recount. He hums. "What exactly happened?" He questioned. I laughed, thinking back. I didn't take part in it too much as I was busy with my tomb juice but things did happen. "Well, there was this one kid, Austin, he had a thing for Bri. I actually heard he was partially to blame for the whole split in two thing but anyways, he was all upset because Bri asked Mario to the ball. At the time Mario was still single and although he wanted to go with Kay he accepted Bri's offer since he didn't think Kay would go with him or whatever. Turns out Kay did want to go with him but was going to ask last minute, that was until Bri asked. So she was absolutely furious. Of course Mario was oblivious but the two passive aggressively fought for him the entire time. Eventually Bri just split in two and the evil half ran, or rather flew away." I recounted the event. He blinks. "Wow, now I'm wondering if I should go to the ball or not." He said. I shrugged. "Its not required but it is part of the festival plus if any drama does happen this year, as long as you're not caught up in it it's actually rather entertaining." I said. He hummed. "Right, although I'll likely be flying solo that does sound like it could be interesting." He said. I nodded. "Yep, So..."

Part 4, Plan To Make Amends.

Nad's POV

I hum, my eyes closed. Was I just asleep? I think so. I hear voices. "Is he...okay?" A quite voice asked. "Hey! Hey!" Someone yelled. I opened my eyes, blinking at the little red guy. Someone with short black hair was beside them. The red guy jumped up and down excitedly. "Look Magnus, he's alive!" He exclaimed. The other one, Magnus, backed up, pulling out a dagger. I got up quickly. "Woah there, no need- you don't have to pull that out. Not that- It wouldn't hurt me anyways." I say. Their eyes narrow at me. "Who are you?" They ask. I sigh. "Right, we haven't meet yet. I am Nadar, son of Hel, but you can call me- but some people call me Nad. I'm the only Norse- I happen to be the one Norse Demi-god in the camp." I introduced. They put the dagger away. The red boy smiles, jumping up and down, so much energy. "Hi, I'm Ricarro. I'm from the Moon but then I saw a light and I touched it and now I'm here!" He introduced. I smiled. "Wow, from the Moon huh- All the way from space? That's pretty cool." I say. He nods. "Yeah! I have a friend, his name is Cal but I call him Mama Cal, he's from Mercury." He says. I hum. "Oh yeah, I met Cal. He was- He seems rather nice." I recall. He nods. "Yeah, he's a total mom." He says. Magnus huffs. "He's a wuss." They say. I laugh. "Come now- Oh come on, he's not that bad." I say. They hum. "All I did was poke him when we met and he's been scared of me ever since." They mumbled. They seem sad. I hum. "Why don't you- oh I know. Try to- How about you try to get to know him. I'm sure- He seems like the type of- Cal is pretty understanding." I suggest. Ricarro nods. "Yeah, he always listens to me and looks out for me." He agrees. Magnus hums. "I guess I'll give it a try." They agree. I smile. "There you- That's the spirit."

Part 5, The Hero Of Camp

Daveed's POV
A new year, new campers, and new problems. Of course these problems will be put on me. I know I'm strong but I just want to run my business and such. Of course kay wants me to watch over the new campers. I'm not some babysitter and I'll tell her that. I storm into the office. She jumps up. "Listen up you little witch! I thought about your request and my answer is a flat no. I refuse to be a babysitter for these campers. I don't care how worried you are, I'm done being the hero!" I exclaim. She simply sighs. "I see...I can't change you're mind but while you're here there's something I need to tell you." She said. I blinked. That was...too easy. I huff, putting my hands on my hips. "And what's that?" I ask. She hums. "Jakey's back." She said. I blinked, processing the information. "Wait, you mean that weakling I beat last year? The one you banished?" I questioned. She nodded. "I new camper found him a while ago and brought him back to camp. For some reason he insisted on letting him stay." She explained. I scoffed. "And you let him?" I questioned. She shrugged. "Look, I wasn't happy about it but the one who found him was Lychee, that son of Hades. I kind of owe Hades a favor for bringing me back to life, so I might as well respect the wishes of his kid, despite how much I hate Jakey for the whole killing me thing." She explained. I sighed. That actually makes sense but... "What if he ends up going evil again?" I question. She sighs. "Lychee said he'd take responsibility for him. I assume he'll do something about it but I figured I'd warn you. Since you were the one that defeated him last year, I find it's possible he'll want some kind of revenge." She says. I tense. Right, of course. This is exactly why I hate being the hero. By saving people I make enemies, I become the target. Any smart person would take out the hero first. If the hero was gone, the innocents would lose hope. And revenge...well, anyone would want revenge. I sigh. "Right, whatever. I'll be going now."

-To Be Continued-

So this is the first time I've actually tried to write out how Nick talks. Did I do okay?

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