Chapter 8~

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Part 1, Confrontation.

Daveeds POV
I walked through the camp, looking for that little bastard. I smirked when I finally spotted him with his little demon friend, Brandeen. I approached the two. "Oi! What do you think you're doing here?!" I yelled out, pointing at Jakey. He stepped back, seemingly startled by my outburst. Brandeen put an arm in front of the boy in a protective manner. "Excuse you, you have no right to yell at him like that." He said. I huffed, putting my hands on my hips. "Oh yeah?! Well he has no right to be alive!" I shot back. His eyes narrowed. "Excuse me?!" He questioned. Jakey sniffed. "I-I'm sorry!! I-I d-didn't mean t-to do it! I-I just t-touched a sword!" He stuttered out. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right. You were rude, selfish, and you killed people!" I yelled. Brandeen sighed, grabbing Jakey's wrist and dragging him away. "Yeah, run away you cowards!" I shouted after them. I sighed when they were out of eyesight. Maybe I was a little harsh. I mean...Jakey did seem to be really sorry. He hasn't done anything bad since coming back as far as I know...Maybe he really is good.

Part 2, Releasing Set.

Cal's POV
I walked through the strange building I appeared in. In all my time on Mercury I've never seen this place. Yet it seems familiar to me. I round each corner as if I know the way. But, where am I going anyways?

I arrive at something that looked like a tomb. A sarcophagus sat in the middle of the room. I approached it. This is what I'm here for. I can feel it. I touch my hand to the surprisingly clean surface. Suddenly, the lid moves, revealing a mummified figure. I heard faint whispers for a moment before all was silent. I looked around. Nothing happened. I look the the totem. I can come back later, I feel as if there isn't anything else for me to do here.

Part 3, Asking Her Out.

Ricarro's POV
"Hoppity Skippity, Hoppyity Skippity." I repeat as I jump around, making my way to Momiji's house. When I reach it I knock on the door, putting the flower behind my back. After a moment the door opened to reveal her gorgeous self. I feel my face warm. I hold out the flower to her. "Pretty flower for a pretty lady...uh will you come to the ball and uh have it all." I said, trying to rhyme like Big Bro said I should. She took the flower, chuckling. "If you mean the Aphrodite ball then sure, I would love to Ricarro." She said. I smiled. "Yes!"

Part 4, Foxes Meet Doom.

Drannus' POV
I float down to the shrine, home of the foxes. One of them was outside. He looked up at me. "Who are you?" He questioned, standing. He didn't seem to be on guard. "Ah, my name is Drannus. Would you happen to know where your sister is, I'll need both of you for this conversation." I said. He hummed, nodding. "I'll go get her." He said, running off into the shrine. He came back moments later with a girl. I smiled. "Ah, good good." I said. She glared at me. "What brings you to our shrine?" She questioned. I hummed, looking around. "I heard that the two of you are in search of power." I said. The two exchanged a look. She hummed. "Oh, would you be here to offer us something then?" She questioned. I smirked. "Bullseye." I said, summoning two doom cubes. The cubes floated over to them. "When the time comes, these cubes will open and grant you great power. I can't so for certain when they'll open though." I explained. They took the cubes, studying them. "Shiny." The brother commented. The sister giggled. "You're Drannus right...I thank you for your generous gift." She said, giving a little curtsy. So polite. I hum. "Yes yes, it's all in a days work. Ta ta now..."

Part 5, Inpunuts.

Inpu's POV
I bite down into the strangely shaped bread, the taste hitting my tastebuds immediately. If heaven had a taste this would be it. It's so sweet. I quickly shove the rest into my mouth, chewing at max speed and swallowing, downing a glass of water Dranne gave me to prevent choking. I let out a breath. Nero hummed, floating above us. "I didn't think you'd actually like it." They said. Dranne laughed in a nervous manner. "I see you enjoyed it. That's good." He said. I nodded. "It was heavenly, like a fluffy cloud kind of but with a small crunch on the outside." I described. He nodded. "Yes, that's the perfect way to describe it, I did actually name that donut I gave you Inpunuts." He said, getting quieter. I blinked. "Inpunuts? Interesting. Uh thanks I guess." I said, unsure of what to say. Nero gasped. "You know what. Every time someone gets an Inpunut we have to hit Inpu." They said. I frowned. "Hey!" I shouted. Dranne giggled. "Oh poor Inpu...I don't know about that." He said. I nodded. "That's just rude and you know it." I said, glaring up at the spirit. They rolled their eyes. "I still think we should do it." The insisted. Dranne hummed. "How about we talk about this on a different date?" He suggested. I nodded. "That would be best."

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