Chapter 5~

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A time skip of sorts.

Part 1, The pieces of the Rose

Drannus' POV
I smirked, looking down at the shards I had collected from the ocean. This is perfect, now all I have to do is have the boy fix this thing and from there...well...I'm sure this Rose will do things for me.

I stepped into the small house. He jumped up, standing up straight with a nervous composure. I smirked, holding up the shards to him. "Listen Inmo. I want you to remake this know what will happen if you don't." I say. He looks down at them before reaches out and taking them. He shivered. So he can feel the malicious energy coming from it. I hummed, turning away. "Get to work now." I commanded.

Part 2, The Rose's revival

Inmo's POV
I stood back as I looked at the finished product. It was beautiful but the energy it emitted was terrifying. What was this even for? I was about to go clean myself up when suddenly it started glowing. It floated into the air before the bright got brighter. I closed my eyes in response. Then I heard a laugh, a laugh that sent chills down my spine. I opened my eyes to see someone. He held the sword in his hand. He floated down to me, looking at me. "So then...are you the one that brought me back?" He asked. I blinked before nodding. He smiled before looking at himself. His brown and blue-tipped hair and crown with a black jewel seemed interesting. He wore a toga that was black(mixing Jakey and old Bryan here cause I never really described what Jakey looks like in this.) He groaned. "It seems I still look like that damned son of Ares, oh well. I suppose it's better then nothing." He said. This guy...what have I done?

Part 3, Jakey

Jakey's POV
I looked down at the clothing Brandeen had picked out for me. A nice fluffy sweater that was a cyan color and jeans with rips at the knees. This is human's comfy. I looked up at the tall guy. He smiled at me. Why's he being so nice to me? He's usually so distant and rude. Not to mention...the way he reacted when he saw me. I don't get it. How can people be so nice to me despite knowing what I've done? Why...for all they know I could end up hurting them again. Maybe even worse then last time. I don't want them to be near me, I don't want them to be hurt. I just want them to be happy but the only way they'll get that is if I'm not here.

I didn't make an attempt to smile or anything. "Thank you for the clothes." I said. He smiled. "You're welcome. You look really cute." He complimented. I'm starting to think he's been possessed by some good spirit. "Right...anyways. I suppose I'll be going home now." I say, walking off. I could have sworn he looked sad when I did.

After I had recovered my strength I was usually with Lychee and Brandeen. Lychee makes sense since he did say he would take responsibility for me but Brandeen...It just doesn't make sense to me. Why would he hang around me?

Part 4, Control

I smirked, looking down at the boy. Jakey...the one I possessed a year ago. I noticed my sword was missing a piece. I know where it is though...I can sense it within him. It's clouding his mind. Before I simply influenced his actions and eventually completely took over but now...I can control him completely. I floated above him before dropping down. When I did his eyes widened, stepping away from me. I couldn't help but smirk. He's terrified of me. There's nothing he can do. He's fairly strong physically but his mind has always been weak. That's why I so easily manipulated him last time. He's nothing but an obedient servant.

I pushed him against a wall. Now I may be evil but I am still the 'Seductive' Rose, emphasis on the seductive part. I am capable of seducing the strongest of minds and making them my servants who will do anything I ask. The fact that a part of me is still in him only makes it easier. I looked into his dulled eyes. "Jakey~ From now'll be mine to do with as I please."

(Note: this is not a ship, simply mind control.)

Part 5, Set's orders

Cal's POV
I walked around the strange building. It feels familiar but I'm certain I've never been here before. Last time I had this dream I was bombarded by scary voices. Now everything is quiet.

I was still walking when suddenly... "Cal..." A deep voice called. I froze. Is this going to be the same as last time? "H-hello?" I called out, hoping for the best. Please don't let this be another nightmare. Suddenly something appeared in front of me, eyes. I blinked, staring into them. They looked pretty... "Cal...look into my eyes...deep into my eyes." The voice commanded. I obeyed. It felt like they were pulling me in. "Now listen to will go to the *insert name of the place* and open the portal to home. You will return home and free me." The voice commanded. I nodded. "I will go home and free you." I repeated, shortening the instructions. He let out a laugh and all went black.

Part 6, Khonsu's warning

Ricarro's POV
I open my eyes to see a strange white room with hourglasses floating around. "Where am I?" I question. "Ahhh. That's a question I believe I can answer." A voice spoke from behind me. I turned. Oh a new person. "Hi, I'm Ricarro and I'm a unicorn from the Moon." I introduced with my usual introduction. He chuckled. "Yes I'm aware of who you are Ricarro, after all. You are my reincarnation." He said. I blinked. "Reincarnation? What does that mean?" I asked. He hummed. "Well, you can refer to me as your father but it's have the potential to house my soul in your body." He explained although it was still confusing. "That's a little confusing..." I said. He chuckled. "I see...well regardless. I brought you here for a reason." He said.

I stumbled to the floor, my breath heavy, I looked at my hand to see it was black. "What...what was that?" I questioned. He sighed. "That was your friend...Cal. Well, more specifically that was him in a possible future." He explained. My eyes widened. "Does that mean...that Cal's gonna become that?" I questioned. He hummed. "Well it's a strong possibility but I called you here in order to tell you so you can hopefully prevent this from happening." He explained. This is...crazy.

-To Be Continued-

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