Chapter 9~

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Part 1, Secrets Revealed.

Inmo's POV
I step into my cabin, the door was wide open. Immediately I see him, Drannus. I instantly wanted to turn back but I was frozen. He hummed, looking my direction. "Ah, Inmo...I see you have a new item. A useful one at that." He said. I frowned, taking off the cloak. "H-hello sir." I greeted. How exactly do I address doom? He hummed, studying me. "I saw you talking to that Mitch earlier..." He said. I blinked, oh no. He smiled. "Don't worry, you did nothing wrong. I just wanted to inform you that you can disclose information about me to him since he knows of my existence already. We are working together after all." He said. I looked down. Mitch...working with this guy? That actually makes sense. I let out a breath. "Okay, thank you." I said. He smirked. "Oh and, one more thing. I want you to deliver a letter to the camp counselor." He said, holding out an envelope. I take it. "Can I ask what it's about?" I question. He chuckles. "It's a warning about the Seductive Rose and Jakey. I know that the Rose has worked it's way deep into the boys mind, clouding his sense of right and wrong and blah blah blah. However no one actually knows he's around yet so I figured I stir up some chaos for him. Plus, Kayla already hates Jakey and is highly suspicious of him, this will throw more suspicion." He explained. I frowned, of course it's nothing good. "Okay Sir." I said, turning to the door. I wanna go see Mitch again...even though he's evil I haven't had anyone to confide in about this and...last year Mitch was the one person I could talk to for a while. He's the closest thing to a human friend I guess.

I hummed, reading the sign. Mitch and Xylo. I don't like Xylo. He's extra scary. I go around to peek through the window. To my relief only Mitch is here. I go back to the door. I open it, causing Mitch to jump up, ready to attack. I step in and close the door behind me. "Who's there!" Mitch yelled out. "It's me." I said quietly. He blinked. "Inmo? Where are you?" He questioned, looking around. I slip of the cloak when he isn't looking my way. "I'm right here." I say a bit louder, he turns, jumping a bit when he sees me. "Oh there you did you do that?" He questioned. I hold out my cloak. "Cloak makes me invisible." I said. He hummed before smiling. "Ah, I see." He said, sitting down on the bed. I look around. His cabin isn't very decorated. "Um...Mitch. I wanted to talk to you about something." I said. He hummed, looking out the window. I assume that means he's listening. "Are you involved with Drannus? The winged guy with purple skin." I questioned. He turned to me with a glare. "How did you know that?" He snapped. Well, that answers that. I step back. "H-he told me!" I said. His gaze softened. "Oh, so are you working with him too then?" He questioned. I frowned, lowering my head. "Not by choice...but I remade the Seductive Rose and now he wants me to deliver a letter..." I explained. He chuckled. "Not by choice huh...why don't you come here." He coaxed. He gestured to the bed. I hummed, sitting beside him. He smirked, pulling me closer to him. My head laid against his chest. "Uhhh, Mitch?" I questioned. He hummed, releasing me. "Yeah, sorry about that. I wanted to see how you would react to a hug but I'm not exactly the hugging type." He said. I frowned. "Neither am I..." I said. He chuckled. "Oh yeah, you hate people. Well...I'm sure you'll come to hate me even more. I figure since it's obviously not hard to get you to corporate I'll use you to do a few things for me." He said. I tensed. Seriously...first Drannus and now him. Why can't I be stronger? Then I wouldn't have these tormentors. He eyes me. "Don't worry...I'll just have you do small things like helping us ruin the Aphrodite's ball. Speaking of which why don't you be my 'date'." He suggested. I blinked. "Date! But we aren't together." I said. He shrugged. "More like going as friends but we aren't exactly that either." He said. I hummed. "Fine...I guess I was going to have to go anyways." I mumble. He claps his hands together. "Excellent, I'll see you there then."

Part 2, The Message: Raised Suspicion.

Kayla's POV
I walk over to the mail box. As the councilor I get things in the mail all the time, requests for certain trials to take place, complaints about other campers, supplies such as food. Counselor things. Today there is one envelope in the box. I take it out, looking for anything written on it. It's addressed to me but no sender. I hum, walking inside. Bryan and Bri are our mingling with the other campers. Bri has been hanging out with the Polynesian's a lot. I'm glad to see that she's making friends. I know we had our differences in the past but I'm over that. I set down at my desk, taking a letter opener from a draw and carefully slicing the envelope open. I pull out a paper, a note written on it. The contents made my blood boil.

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