Chapter 1~

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Part 1, Son of Ares Returns

Lychee's POV
I hum to myself as I walk around the fiery pits of the underworld. I can come and go as I please now so I figured I 'd come explore since I was bored. That's when I stumbled upon something, or rather someone. A boy with hair that was blue at the tips. I ran over to him, curious. When I arrived I noticed he was unconscious, I looked around. Did he fall? I knelt down, putting my hand to his neck to check his pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt it. This boy is not dead. Is he a Demi-god? Either way it's not safe for him here. I should take him back to camp where he can recover.


I burst into the infirmary where the two snake people that I had briefly met were. Their eyes widened upon seeing the boy who I was carrying on my back. "He needs help." I say. The two share a worried glance before nodded. They took the boy and lay him down on a bed. I relaxed myself, leaning against the wall. I wonder what that look was about. Do they know him? Not that it matters. As long as they help him. I wonder what he was even doing in the underworld. He may be the child of one of the many gods that reside in the underworld but still...he was hurt. I'm glad I found him when I did. He may have been eaten by one of the many creatures in the underworld if I hadn't come along.

Bryan came up to me. "Can you tell me where exactly you found him?" He asked. I hummed. "The underworld, why?" I responded. He glances at the boy. "That guy...was a camper here last year but some things happened and he killed people. Then he was exiled." He explained. I blinked, that explains the look. "Well, even if I had known that I wouldn't have left him to die. I assume if he was exiled then people won't be to happy about him being here." I said. Bryan nodded. "Yeah...especially Kayla considering she was the one he killed." I nodded. "I'll talk to her. I'll convince her to let him stay. Heck, I'll even take responsibility for him. But since I saved him I would feel bad if I just kicked him out of camp considering all the monsters out there that would be drawn to him." I said. He sighed. "You're welcome to try. I personally don't have any problems with that." He said. I smiled. "Good. I'll be going now. Let me know when he wakes up." I say, leaving the room.

Part 2, Egyptian Pantheon

Cal's POV
I lay on the couch with my eyes closed. I managed to find my way to the Egyptian pantheon after running into the Greek counselor. I was tired after my trip here so I was resting on the couch. When I heard voices. "And this is the pyramid, also the place where you'll be sleeping." A voice said. I didn't open my eyes, I didn't feel like getting up now. Maybe they'll leave. "I have to admit this is nice." Another voice said. "I agreed with Davis. It feels like home." Another voice said. I felt eyes on me. "Hey Inpy, someone's over here." Another voice said, this time closer to me. Someone hummed. "Oh, he must be another one." The one who I assumed was Inpy replied. Then I felt something sharp poke my cheek. I yelped, jumping up. I jumped behind the couch to hide. A felt the blood run down my face. What the hell?! "Magnus!! What did I say about stabbing!!" The guy scolded. "That wasn't cool dude." The guy who I think was called Davis chimed in. Someone came around the couch. A guy with ears, and a tail, as well as a purple streak in his hair. I slid back. He gave me a soft smile, kneeling down. "Sorry about that, I'm sure Magnus meant no harm." He assured me. I blinked, looking up, a guy with white hair was looking down at me. "Hey Bro, you okay down there?" He asked in an almost mocking tone. I hum, looking down. "I'm okay..." I say quietly. Should I trust these people? They seem nice...besides that Magnus person. The guy extended his hand. I took it and he lifted me up.

We all set on the couch, I was as far away from Magnus as I could be. "So...sorry about my sibling. I promise it's nothing against you." Inpu said. I blinked. "It's scared me but it didn't hurt." I say. Mikheal hums. "So who are you the son of?" He asks. I sigh. "I'm the son of Set." I respond. Inpu and Magnus blink. "Oh...that's funny since we're the children of Horus." Inpu laughs. I hum. Aren't Set and Horus enemies? They won't see me as an enemy, will they? "Right, I'm the son of Ra and Mikheal here is the son of Anubis." Davis chimes in. I smile. "It's nice to meet all of you." I say. It really is. I'm glad to see that the people I'll be staying with are all nice. I don't know what I'd do if they weren't.

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