Chapter 2~

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Part 1, He's Awake

Bryan's POV
I was searching the cabinets when I heard a groan. I turned as Jakey began to wake up. Bri isn't here right now. I go over to his side. His eyes open. They were hazy. He looked at me, I'm not sure if he recognized me. I no longer had the brown hair and toga I wore last year. Now I had white hair and a fancier outfit. "Where am I...?" He asks, his voice hoarse. I move to grab the glass of water we had poured for him. I brought it to his lips and he managed a few sips. "You're in camp Oasis. I knew you last year...I look different but I'm Bryan." I explain. His eyes widened, then he started tearing up. He grabbed my hand. "Please...please punish me." He begged. I blinked. Punish him? Why would he...oh, I think I understand. I shake my head. "I can't do that. I know some people hold a grudge against you but I am not one of those people. Besides...I couldn't do anything without speaking to the one who saved you first." I say, denying his request. He frowns, receding. He looked up at the ceiling. "Who saved me?" He asked. I hummed. "A new camper, the Son of Hades. His name is Lychee." I answer. He hums. "Listen Jakey. He told me he's going to try to convince Kayla to let you stay so...I'm going to send him a message and let him know you're awake." I said. He blinked. "Okay..." He said. I'm glad to see he's physically okay but it seems he's sustained great emotional damage. That rose broke him. I just hope he can be healed. I hope his soul can be saved.

Part 2, Jakey and Lychee meet

Lychee's POV
I hum, coming into the building. I was given a note by a snake. The boy had woken up. As I come in I see the boy staring blankly at the ceiling. He he hasn't felt a single drop of happiness in his whole life. I glance at Bryan. He gives me a small nod. I go over to the boy. "Hey...are you okay?" I ask. He hums. "You're the one that brought me here?" He questions, ignoring my own question. I nod. ""Why?" He asks. I hum. "Well, I happened to find you, I knew you'd likely die to a monster so I brought you here since I knew Bryan and his sister are healers." I explain. I was really just being nice. "Why didn't you just leave me to die?" He asked. I sighed. "Well, I already told Bryan that even if I had known you had done bad things before, I still would have helped you. That's just the nice thing to do." I say. He blinks, seemingly not believing it. "Do you want something from me?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nope, I don't expect anything in return from you." I assure.

We talked for a bit. He gave short answers and still wasn't seeming to comprehend why I would 'waste my time' to save him. Poor boy, I don't know the details of what happened to him but I do know that he's been hurt. I don't know if he can recover. "What's going on here?" A familiar voice asked. Bryan gasped. I turned to see Kayla. "Oh hey Kayla, I was just trying to get this idiot to understand why I saved him." I chirp, throwing in a jab at Jakey. Her fists clench. She's angry. "Yeah...why would you save him?" She asks. I sigh. "If I didn't he would have died considering he was unconscious in the underworld. So I decided to be nice and save him." I answer, I'm not going to let this girl hurt this boy further. "Do you even know what he did?!" She asked, raising her voice. I sighed. "I know he killed you and that's it but that doesn't matter. Everyone does bad things that doesn't mean that they don't deserve to live." I snap. She steps back, frowning. "Jakey is staying here, I'll take responsibility for him. So if he were to do anything bad you can punish me but I doubt that will happen." I declare, leaving no room for her to argue. She huffs, leaving the room. Good, she can be mad, but I would be upset if she causes more emotional damage to this boy. I don't know why but I feel as if I should protect this boy with my life, like some great force is after him. I don't understand it but I'll still protect him. He's a good boy.

Part 3, Enter Jyles

Jyles POV
I smile, landing in the Greek area. This place looks nice. I immediately spot a guy with a beard, talking to a guy with blue hair, I sneak over to them, hiding behind a house. I'm too far to hear what they're talking about. Eventually the blue haired guy walked away. The guy with the beard started walking after a bit. I follow him. Eventually he stopped in front of a cabin, going in. I hummed, flying over. I step in, he jumps up, turning to me. "Who are you and what are you doing in my cabin?!" He asked, pulling out a sword. I hummed. "I was just curious about you handsome~" I flirted, getting closer to him. His faces flushed. "Uh..." He started but didn't know what to say. I laugh, pinning him to the wall. The guy looked away from me, face a blushing mess. I laugh again, moving away from him. Jeez, it's so easy to seduce people. Just get close to them and give them a compliment or two and they're putty in your hands. "No worry's, I'm not that kind of person. Besides, you wouldn't be good in bed anyways." I laugh. He huffs, face still red. "That was so not cool." He mutters. I sigh. "Relax, I was just playing. You seemed like a tough guy so I wanted to see how you'd react to me flirting. It seems you're not as tough as I thought..."I say, a little disappointed. Isn't there anyone that won't fall head over heels for me? It's hard to believe that I can seduce everyone on the planet, within reason of course. "Right...anyways. My name is Xylo. And you are?" He said, putting his tough guy persona back on. I chuckle. "I am Jyles, son of Aphrodite, at your service." I introduce, making a deep and dramatic bow. He hums. "I'm the son of Ate." He says. I hum. "Ah, a trickster. How wonderful. I myself enjoy messing with people." I say. He laughs. "I can see that...say, how would you like to join us in stirring up chaos in this camp?" He offered. I thought about it. It does sound like fun. "Very well, I had hoped I could mess with a few gals, gays, and non-binary's while I was here. So I'll accept your offer. We'll turn this camp into a place where free spirits like us can do as we please!" I declare. He smirks. "Good, seems like we're on the same page then. Welcome to the team."

And that's how I got involve in a grand scheme strung together by the god of doom. My ultimate mistake.

-To Be Continued-

Thomas sanders quote, it wasn't the quote exactly but yeah. Also Jyles being inclusive.

I liked Jyles, he had some pretty good character development. And he was friends with Bryan.

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