Chapter 7~

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Accidentally posted this before it was done earlier.

Part 1, The Egyptian Realm, Finding The Gate.

Cal's POV
I blink, the sun in my eyes. I felt the uncomfortable sensation of sand in my shoes. I sigh, reaching down and pulling them off, tossing them aside. I felt the warm sand between my toes. Its like a beach without the water. I turn to Mikheal. "Welcome to the Egyptian Realm." He announces, holding out his arms in a dramatic way. I laugh. "It seems nice here. Lead the way Jackal. He rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah."

We walked for a while, eventually we reached an area that was much different from the sandy dunes. A marsh. I smiled, excitement rising. This is it, this is the place that holds the key to returning home. I clench the totem in my pocket. Inpu gave this to me as a means to return to earth and also a way to go back and forth from earth to the portal when I wanted. Heck, I could bring some of the others to Mercury. That would be a fun trip.

After carefully trekking through the marsh we finally made it. Before us was a large door-way. I hummed, circling it. How to activate it. "Do you...have anything, from Set I mean?" Mikheal asked. I hummed, touching my necklace. "I have this but what does it have to do with anything?" I questioned. He smiled. "Well, sometimes gods will leave their child with an item that will help them in the future. It possible that that necklace holds or even is the key to activating this thing." He explains. I hum. That makes sense. I slip the necklace over my head. "Only one way to find out." I say, holding it out towards the gate. To my surprise, in the middle of the gate something sparked and a swirling mass appeared within. I look at it. Mikheal hums. "Alright then, I suppose I've done all I can. I'll be leaving now?" He says. I nod. "See you later." I say. Now then...I reached my hand out, stepping through the portal.

Part 2, Donut Shop.

Dranne's POV
I hum, looking at the sign. "What do you think?" I asked the little blue spirit. They hummed. "The names are rather creative. Inpunuts...sounds kind of weird." They respond. I laugh. "Yeah...but I hope we'll get actual customers. I mean, who doesn't like donuts?" I question. They blink. "Several people don't like donuts actually." They say. I sigh. "Yeah, guess you're right."

I hum, kind of zoning out as I stared at the menu. I was brought out of my mind when someone cleared their throat behind me. I turned, startled by the noise. I blinked, Inpu was there. "Oh, Inpu! Uhhhh. Welcome to my donut shop!!" I greet. He eyes me and the place. "I was wondering what this was...its right outside the Egyptian Area." He says. I nod. "Yeah...I hope its not a problem." I say. Nero appears beside me. "If you came to Bitch about it you can fuck off." They say. Inpu hums. "That spirit friend of yours is rather rude." He says. I let out a shaky laugh. "Uh yeah...sorry about them. They're a good person, er spirit, I promise." I assure. He sighs. "Anyways, what are these 'donuts' anyways?" He asks. I blink. "Hold up- you mean to tell me that you've never had a donut before?" I question. He nodded. "Yeah...I assume it's a human food and I don't eat much human food." He explained. Nero laughed. "Well, judging by his reaction you're about to taste loads of donuts." They said. Inpu hummed as I slipped into the small kitchen. I refuse to allow a possible friend to go through life without tasting a donut.

Part 3, Three Brothers, One Girl.

Austin's POV
I sigh, looking out at the waves crashing against the shore. Everything's been different since we met Bri...I mean, she's nice and all. It's just...Seek and Collin have been acting weird, competing for her love. I can't say I'm not in love with her...I mean I am. But this love is tearing us apart. Then there's Kai...he's been bothering us and that's just put more stress on the situation. I'm finding it's harder to control my anger. All of these emotions welling up inside of me.

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