Chapter 4~

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Part 1, In love with a snake

Inpu's POV
I sigh, coming into the infirmary. I had gotten too close to Mikheal's pool and a shark bit my arm. I'm lucky it's still attached. I stopped when I saw someone in there. A boy with wings and scales. I haven't been around the Greek area much. "Excuse me?" I question. He turns to me, he eyes the bite mark. "I assume your here to get that healed." He said. I nod. He looked beautiful...he came over to me and looked at the bite. "It's not too deep, I'll just clean in and wrap it up for you." He said. I nodded.

As he worked I couldn't take my eyes off him. Have a fallen for him? Before I knew it he was done. "Alright. You're good to go. Try not to get hurt anymore." He said. I smiled. "Will do...what's your name?" I asked. He returned the smile. "I'm Bryan, and you?" He asked in return. "Inpu." I answer. His smile brightens. "It's lovely to meet you." He cheered. Beautiful.

Part 2, We met in the onsen

Davis' POV
I sighed, sinking into the warm water. The onsen is nice. Relaxing. I opened my eyes when I heard the door open. I blinked when I saw a girl had entered. Her silky raven hair laid over her chest. Her eyes were two different colors, one blue and the other green. Gorgeous. She stepped into the water, placing a rubber duck on the floor beside her. I watched her. She glanced at me and gave me a small smile. I returned it. Is this what they call love at first sight? It would be cool if it was. "Hey...I'm Davis." I introduced. She hummed. "Mania." She responded with her own name simply. Wow, a pretty name for a pretty girl.

Part 3, Oracle of love

Mania's POV
I laughed at Davis' blushing face. "You look like a tomato." I joke. He blinks, looking away. I hum. I suppose he's the first person I've met so might as well give him an offer. "Say, would you be interested in having your fortune told?" I asked. He blinked. "Are you saying you can tell me the future?" He questioned. I nodded. "Well, I can see glimpses and tell you what you should do to ensure a good future." I clarified. He hummed. "Alright. I'm down." He agreed. That was quick, usually people are more suspicious, thinking it's some scam. "Would you like to know the price before we go forward with this?" I asked. He hummed. "Depends, do you take cash?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, I don't take human money as payment. In return I ask for something to give me more power." I explained. I he hummed. "Well...I don't have anything right now but could I do like a tab thing?" He asked. I blinked. "A tab thing?" A questioned. He nodded. "Yeah, where I get the product now but pay you back when I can." He explained. I hummed, thinking about it. "How do I know you'll pay me back?" I question. He shrugs. "I can't prove that I will but if I don't then you can give me a punishment. That's how it is in the human world from what I've learned so far." He said. I sighed. I suppose that's a fair deal. As long as I get power in the end. "All right. I'll do it."

I hummed, closing my eyes, holding the ball. A few blurry images flashed in my mind. I opened them again. "You should move fast before another gets in your way." I say. He blinks. "What does that mean?" He questions. I shrug. "I can't say before. I believe this oracle in particular had something to do with love but I could be wrong." I say. He sighs. "Love huh, I'll keep this in mind then. Thanks." He said. I nodded. "I'll be awaiting your payment." I said.

-To Be Continued-

And that concludes another chapter.

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