Mourning the Death of the Living

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Sitting in the cafeteria,

never even making eye contact with the sore sight

of our "romantic dinner" table for two,

tucked into the corner of now gone and past,

hungry for anything but food,

becoming more

and more cognizant

of the two

vacant chairs

beside me,

Scrolling through my photos

and getting snagged on a picture of

the smiles only sisters can match,


an hours long movie in a still second

of laughs

and ineffable love

and binding tears,

then a fog of creeping





Passing by your boyfriend,

once my relative,

now a stranger,

both pretending to have something important

to look at on our phones,

when we cross,

we walk



remember more

and more,




I chew, swallow, sip

I skim, delete, skim

I one-foot-in-front-of-the-other,

I mourn the death of the living.    

Note: I don't own any of the media used. All credit goes to their creators! I'll try to credit the artists if I know who they are. Please me know if you recognize any media used so I can give their creators credit.

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