1. The Fall

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The wind is howling as the sky rumbles, a loud terrifying noise was heard as streaks of lightnings flash. Anyone who would witness the scene would surely flee in terror but the slim teenage girl looked unperturbed, standing on a pool of blood and pile of corpses around her she unhurriedly wipe her face with her bloody hands.

She squinted her pretty eyes and glance at the farce in front of her. Her exquisite face was splashed by blood and her eyes was boundless and intimidating. Her figure was basked by the shining moonlight accentuating the little lass otherworldly countenance.

Slowly, she starts to walk away, her steps were light and casual as if she didn't just done the massacre.

But before she could leave the place a loud furious shout stop her.

"Where do you think you're going Heather? The grudge between us has not been settled yet!! How could you leave??I swear I will kill you!!!" The girl shouted crazily. She seemed to lost her mind as she dashed towards the calm looking girl with a katana on hand.

Heather smirked and raised her head." You're not worth it" as those words left her mouth, the girl who attempted to kill her abruptly stop.

Lyra was baffled. What is happening? Why can't I moved?

She tried to lift her finger but she can't, it felt like she was rooted to the ground.


She turned her ferocious eyes at Heather and glared daggers towards her.

"You ungrateful bitch!! My family raised you but you never know how to reciprocate!!"

Heather snorted. Raised me? Does she take me for an idiot? Eversince she was brought home by the old man this so called family never really treated her as one. They made her do their dirty works, she grew up taking orders from them, all those things she have done was already enough to pay off that so called debt. She owed no one!!

"Hahahaha!!! Even if you kill me right now you wouldn't be able to leave this house. The institute will come here in a minute!!! Hahaha Heather you're dead!!" Lyra screamed as she laughed happily.

Heather's eyes flickered when she heard those words. She clenched her hands as her mental power surged to Lyra, in no time the girl turned purple as she tried to fight the overwhelming pressure that currently choking her but what could she possibly do?

Of course, nothing.

Lyra convulsed and fall on the ground dead and lifeless. Heather sneered as she starts formulating a plan to kill those pests.

She checked her body and found out that the poison started to spread on her vital points, when it reaches her heart there is no doubt that she will die.

She regulate her breathing and her eyes became more cold. She took a deep breath and sprinted towards the forest.

She couldn't possibly refine an antidote right now, she also doesn't have any medicine left in her to subdue the poison.

She run as fast as she can, determination was etched in her eyes.

She couldn't die here!! She haven't avenge her Grandpa yet.

She heard a loud explosion as the manor from afar collapsed.

Few men clad in black run after her.

They're the dogs of the institute, shaking her head she run faster even more.

Heather couldn't shake them off her tail, her mental energy has been exhausted so fighting them head on was not a wise option.

Cornered by the cliff, Heather stopped running and panted heavily.

Her dress was soaked in sweat and blood giving anyone a uncomfortable feeling but Heather couldn't be careless about her appearance right now her main problem was how to escaped this predicament.

She never felt this helpless all her life.

She's an orphan picked by the old man who she considered her only family. The old man was good at her and treated her as her own granddaughter.

But when he died, that's when her nightmares come.

Her grandfather never involved himself in any family's matters though they live in a same compound he really never had a good relationship with his family not even with his only son which is Lyra's father.

As her grandfather was the world renowned genius doctor, he is well received and respected. He was the one who taught her medical skills.

Before he died, he entrusted her the manual which contains ancient prescriptions he asked her to guard it and never let it fall in the wrong hands.

She becomes a assassin who killed in night and a doctor who saves lives in day.

She could chose to leave that family and let themselves rot in hell, but she needs to know who killed her grandfather.

She's not blind and knew that Lyra's family couldn't possibly pull that off alone, someone must be backing them up behind the scenes.

And she was right the Research Institute was the one who order a assassination of her grandfather. Those rascals!!

She obliterated the institute herself and exposed their hideous deeds. But she was nearly caught in that encounter and narrowly escaped death.

Heather suffered a setback when they learned that she have extraordinary mental energy. They want to lock her up and experiment her brain capacity.

They also discovered that she have the sacred manual. They pursued her for years but she managed to handle them.

But luck was not always on her side as she was poisoned when she battle with the elder of the institute.

Lyra's family was persistent and dispatched a handful of guards to kill her. That was why she returned the favor and kill all of her family members.

They all have to reap what they've sow!

But she didn't expect the institute to caught wind of her location quickly. That Lyra must have called them.

Heather defend herself as a fight broke.

She grunted when a sword pierced her shoulder blades. Blood oozed out and ugly gush appeared.

Gritting her teeth she force herself to fight but her strength has already depleted.

"How admirable you're still alive" a clap was heard as a man in tux showed up.

He was in his late twenties and has good features however the murderous glint on his eyes make him look like a horrible beast.

"Vino" the man whose named was Vino laughed.

He looked down at Heather and sneered."If I were you I would behave like a good girl and don't try to anger the elders again"

"You, searched the manual" Vino ordered and one of the men advanced towards Heather.

They could kill her but there's no way in hell she'll hand them the manual. It's last thing that her Grandpa gaved her.

She kicked the two men whose holding her and rushed at the cliff.

Everyone went stiff when they saw Heather wave the manual in the air.

Even Vino became flustered, that manual is very important he couldn't afford to compensate it even with his life.

He grew restless and forced a smile." You know the consequences if you do that."

But Heather just smirked. " You want this right? Then come get it from me in the afterlife"

After those words left her mouth she clutched the sacred manual in her chest and let herself fall in the cliff.


A/N: How's that?

(Transmigration #1) The Black Bellied Young MissWhere stories live. Discover now